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AVAC's Blog: P-Values

  • At its best, today's dialogue was led by and for women and centered on rights, realities and engaged discussion on the whole body, from head to toe and heart to mind. In some fascinating sessions, the vagina seized center stage and all but lost the head and heart that go with it. Today, in our update, we’ll try to put the pieces together and so, of course, the theme is: The Vagina Dialogues.

    July 19, 2016
  • It’s Day 2 of the daily updates... and the conference has just barely begun with the official opening on Monday evening. Not everything is in motion, though. Long queues to undergo security screening are keeping people standing in place or, at best, shuffling along. The security lines do have an upside though… they’ve provided our theme for today: “Hurry up!”

    July 18, 2016
  • In advance of the AIDS 2016 conference, Mitchell Warren and Peter Piot co-authored a call in STAT for an expanded focus on a comprehensive approach to HIV prevention. Alongside a fully-funded effort to provide treatment for people living with HIV, a range of prevention options are essential to defeat HIV and must be developed and delivered. Read this piece for a succinct case for prevention.

    July 18, 2016
  • The streets in and around the International Conference Center in Durban are thronged with badge-wearing delegates, the Uber taxi prices are surging, and there are already piles of publications scattered across the floor of some of the session rooms where the pre-conferences have taken place. And all this means that there are already things to report, even though the official meeting only starts tomorrow.

    July 17, 2016
  • On the eve of the Durban International AIDS conference, European AIDS Treatment Group and a number of partners launched a global Community Consensus Statement on Access to HIV Treatment and its Use for HIV Prevention.

    July 15, 2016
  • AVAC Report is our annual advocacy analysis, with an agenda that spans the next 12 months—and beyond. We’ve designed it be a clear, succinct, actionable statement of the strengths and weakness of HIV prevention data today—and we hope you’ll join us in amplifying these messages at next week’s gathering.

    July 14, 2016
  • Another brief update in the run-up to Durban. In this one: how to find AVAC—which we hope you’ll do to amplify messages, add experience and share the work of bringing prevention to the forefront of the meeting. A full run-down of AVAC at Durban 2016 is here—this includes our presentations, satellites, workshops, booth and Global Village work.

    July 13, 2016
  • With less than a week to go until the International AIDS Conference, here’s the next in AVAC’s series of brief updates to prepare. In this one... prevention activism at Durban. What, where, why and how. We hope you’ll find this useful and thought-provoking whether you’re coming to an IAC for the first time—or whether this is familiar ground.

    July 12, 2016
  • Welcome to the first in a series of quick updates we’ll be sending over the next 10 days to help activists and advocates prepare to navigate the 21st International AIDS Conference, which will be held in Durban, South Africa, July 18–22. In this update we highlight the HIV Prevention Roadmap of relevant sessions and activities at the conference, and the Research Literacy Networking Zone in the Global Village—a destination we hope will be on your path through a busy conference week.

    July 8, 2016
  • The Journal of AIDS (JAIDS) published a special supplement on devices for VMMC. The collection of articles examine safety, acceptability and operations research on implementation of two devices used to assist male circumcision in adults and adolescents, PrePex and ShangRing.

    June 30, 2016
