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Join AVAC at these AIDS 2016 Prevention Sessions


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Another brief update in the run-up to Durban (you can find our previous resources on navigating prevention research and activism here). In this one: how to find AVAC—which we hope you’ll do to amplify messages, add experience and share the work of bringing prevention to the forefront of the meeting.

A full run-down of AVAC at Durban 2016 is here—this includes our presentations, satellites, workshops, booth and Global Village work (and for the full prevention roadmap, click here). We will also be providing daily updates on prevention activism and developments at the meeting—with a guide to what to watch out for the next day. These will be via the Advocates’ Network and also tweeted out from @hivpxresearch.

Below is a very brief selection of highlights by strategy and issue. Scroll down for some key places to find and learn more about AVAC and partners, and let your voice be heard!

Advocacy in Action

  • July 18, 12:00 – 3:00 PM: Look for us at the March for Quality Treatment for All – come raise your voice for prevention and signal a “code red” for the HIV response.
  • July 19, 17:45-18:30 (Research Literacy Networking Zone): AVAC Advocacy Fellows Info Session – come learn more about this fellowship opportunity for emerging and mid-career advocates.
  • Ongoing: “Truth Booth” (Booth 572 in the Global Village) – a recording booth to capture diverse voices of the conference.

Combination Prevention and “Ending AIDS”

  • What will it take to reach the Fast Track Prevention Targets: What, Who and How, Monday, July 18 14:45-16:45 (Session Room 5)
  • Right things, right places, right now: Setting the right targets, Tuesday, July 19 11:00-12:30 (Session Room 10)
  • Oral presentations in the Financing the Response to HIV: Show Us the Money session, Thursday, July 21 11:00-12:30 (Session Room 1)


Towards an HIV Cure: Engaging the Community, Saturday, July 16 9:00-12:10 (Session Room 11)

HIV Vaccines

  • Vaccines are Needed to Conclusively End HIV/AIDS and TB, Monday, July 18, 8:00-10:00 (Session Room 1)
  • Ask the Researchers: Talking About the Use of Antibodies for HIV Prevention, with the HVTN, Tuesday, July 19 14:15-15:45 (Research Literacy Networking Zone, Global Village booth 606)

Hormonal Contraception and HIV

One Woman, Many Choices, Monday, July 18 11:15-12:15 (Research Literacy Networking Zone, Global Village booth 606)

Key Populations

Long-acting Injectable ARVs for Prevention (and Treatment)

Marketplace for Rings, Pills, Jabs and Other Things: Understanding new biomedical interventions to reduce HIV risk from development to delivery, Wednesday, July 20, 14:30-17:00 (Session Room 3)


HIV Prevention Landscape for Women: A look at new & emerging prevention options including PrEP, vaginal rings and new products in development, Wednesday, July 20, 13:00-14:30 (Global Village Session Room 1)


  • PrEP Implementation Meeting, Sunday, July 18 9:00-17:15 (Hotel Elangani, Tugela room, Maharani Tower)
  • What do we need to do to access and deliver PrEP?: Tapping into unheard voices of end-users and providers to support country level advocacy and equitable access, Tuesday, July 19, 14:30-17:00 (Session room 7)

Prevention Options for Women

HIV Prevention for pregnant & breastfeeding women: Long overdue. But is it time to deliver?, Monday, July 18 14:45-16:45 (Session room 12)

Research Literacy

Throughout the Conference at the Research Literacy Networking Zone in the Global Village, click here for complete program.


Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision as Primary HIV Prevention: Maximizing Our Investment and Considerations for Sustainability, Monday, July 18, 10:15-12:15 (Session Room 11)