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AVAC Report 2017

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Mixed Messages
And how to untangle them

Start Making Sense!

We live in a wild world—and a wired one. News about the state of the planet, our communities, countries and societies is constant, ever-changing and more than occasionally “fake”.

There exists now a more robust conversation about HIV prevention than ever before. This makes it as important as it’s ever been for activists to hold each other and other decision-makers accountable.

It’s not that we all need to agree. But we do need to say what we mean and demand that our peers, leaders and politicians do the same. Make these your messages:

Develop Long-term Solutions to End the Epidemic: No shortcuts

1) Systemic prevention (long-acting injectable antiretrovirals or a vaccine) is a priority—but not a standalone solution. Stop saying: Long-acting injectables are what's needed because people can't or won't use other tools. Read more...

Demonstrate and Roll Out New Prevention Options: Let's get real

2) Daily oral PrEP as a prevention tool is struggling in some contexts and soaring in others. Stop saying: Lots of people don't want to take oral PrEP, so it's failing. Read more...

Deliver Proven Tools for Immediate Impact: The slippery slope

3) We’re on track to epidemic control if and only if the funding gap is closed, rights infringements and violations are addressed, civil society is involved and comprehensive prevention and research are prioritized in a way that has never been seen before. Stop saying: A country or community’s progress to date is the same as its future path. Read more...

Issue Snapshots

Recommendations: Make These Your Messages
The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise Evolves
Playing with the Fine Print: Hormonal contraception and HIV risk
The Global Gag Rule: An active front in the war on women
Divide and Conquer: An advocate’s guide to PrEP indicators

Many Approaches, One Message at AVAC: Prevention matters