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PxROAR Europe Members

Gabriel Boichat & Laia Ruiz Mingote
Planeta Salud

Gabriel and Laia are the team behind Planeta Salud (Planet Health; New Tools for Development), a non-profit association working in Spain to improve life expectancy and quality of life of people living with or at risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS, malaria or tuberculosis worldwide. Based in Barcelona, Planeta Salud is committed to the research and development of new health products to treat, prevent and diagnose disease and to make these products truly effective mechanisms by driving access and use by people who need them in the world. Both journalists by training, Gabriel and Laia have strong track records in HIV activism and other social movements.

Giulio Maria Corbelli
European AIDS Treatment Group, Italy

Giulio is an active member of the European AIDS Treatment Group in both the Policy Working Group and the ECAB (European Community Advisory Board). Based in Rome, Italy, he is a member of the executive committee of the treatment as prevention Partner Study and of the community advisory committee of the clinical trials network INSIGHT. Giulio is also a member of the board of directors of Plus, the first Italian network of LGBT people living with HIV.

Nicholas Feustel
Director, georgetown media, Germany

Nicholas started as a volunteer in HIV prevention in the early 1990s at a gay men‘s health promotion project in Hamburg, Germany. As a documentary filmmaker, he has specialized in films on health and human rights, focusing on HIV-related issues such as prevention and testing, living with HIV, stigma and discrimination, and the criminalization of HIV transmission, exposure and non-disclosure. Nicholas has well established connections in the German and international HIV sector as well as the gay community. His most recent films are PrEP 17, which won an award from POZ, and The Proud Study.

Harriet Langanke
Director, German Sexuality and Health Foundation (GSSG), Germany

Harriet Langanke is a journalist with special interest in sexual health issues, based in Cologne, Germany. She is chief editor of the first German magazine for women and AIDS, the DHIVA. As founder and director of the GSSG, a charitable foundation on sexuality and health, she coordinates projects like Lifeboat Germany, a Guide to (HIV-) positive Motherhood, and the nationwide Network on Women and AIDS. Previously, Harriet worked for the German AIDS Foundation for 10 years in Bonn as the Manager Director. She now also undertakes research at the University of Malmö in Sweden into internet forums of sex workers' clients.

Angelina Namiba
Program Manager, Positively UK, United Kingdom

Originally from Kenya, Angelina has over 15 years’ experience of working in the HIV sector. As a woman living with HIV for more than a decade, Angelina is passionate about advocating for the sexual health and reproductive rights of women living with HIV. She currently leads on the planning, development and delivery of the project From Pregnancy to Baby and Beyond with Positively UK. Angelina sits on various advisory boards as a community representative, including the BHIVA Primary Care Working Group, the National HIV Nursing Association, the National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood, Women for Positive Action and the UK CAB.

Veronica Noseda
Social Science Project Manager, Sidaction, France

Veronica is the Social Science Project Manager at Sidaction, a collective of researchers, healthcare professionals and NGOs in France and developing countries, dedicated to the development of scientific and medical research programs and the support of prevention and assistance programs for those living with HIV/AIDS.

Veronica is a political scientist by training and a journalist and has been active in the AIDS field since 2005.