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  • A cross-sectional study looked at engagement in the PrEP and HIV care cascades among gay and bisexual, transgender, and genderqueer people who were assigned male at birth in Harare and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

    April 8, 2022
  • In a landmark ruling, a federal court has ordered the Defense Department to end a long-standing Pentagon policy forbidding enlisted military service members from deploying in active duty outside the continental US and being commissioned as officers if they have HIV.

    April 7, 2022
    NBC News
  • Zimbabwe's decision to decriminalise HIV/AIDS transmission has courted world attention as legislators have been invited to Brussels, Belgium, by a global women and children's rights group to celebrate the milestone that the country has achieved.

    April 7, 2022
    The Herald Zimbabwe
  • “AIDS has a woman’s face,” said Stephen Lewis, former UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa. He shared this phrase often, in rage and anguish, during and since his time in that post. In those days, AIDS was the most globally-recognized pandemic. Mr. Lewis was a fierce activist, but no one I knew was as fierce as the women living with HIV who were my friends and activist co-conspirators. Thanks to them – and many others – AIDS had both a face and a voice, shouting loudly that preventable deaths from a treatable disease were unacceptable.

    April 7, 2022
    The Globe and Mail
  • The richest people in many African countries were five times more likely to use condoms than the poorest, while also displaying more positive attitudes towards people living with HIV, according to a recent multi-country study published in AIDS.

    April 6, 2022
  • With almost half the world fully vaccinated against the pandemic, we can look at the glass as either half full or half empty — it depends on where you are and who you are. The lowest vaccination rates can be found in low-income or low-middle income countries, and among the most marginalized populations within nearly every country. So while COVID-19 vaccine development is a great example of scientific progress, its delivery reflects tragic inequity.

    April 5, 2022
    The Hill
  • Zach Manley, 25, a software implementation consultant in Atlanta, has been happily on PrEP pills since fall 2019 to prevent him from getting HIV during sex. A friend of his who works as a PrEP access advocate encouraged him to get on PrEP in the first place.

    April 5, 2022
    The Body
  • The World Health Organization said on Tuesday it will supply thousands of doses of life-saving antiretroviral drugs to Ukraine to cover the needs of HIV patients in the country for the next 12 months. The WHO, along with the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Ukrainian authorities and other partners, has procured 209,000 packs of generic antiretroviral drug TLD.

    April 5, 2022
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding cisgender women are underrepresented in trials of new pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) drugs and formulations. Dr. Dvora Joseph Davey of University of Cape Town and colleagues say they want to see this evidence gap overcome by the intentional inclusion of this group in study planning, conduct and results dissemination in order to “enhance the scientific and ethical quality of HIV prevention studies."

    April 5, 2022
  • Western sanctions and an economic crisis resulting from the invasion of Ukraine are hindering Russia’s HIV/AIDS charities, activists and campaigners say, in what risks worsening an already grave epidemic. “We can’t buy many of the things that we are used to buying,” the head of one regional AIDS charity told The Moscow Times. “The price of condoms has increased five times… [and] tests for HIV that we could buy for 200 rubles ($2) now cost 1,500 rubles ($18).”

    April 5, 2022
    The Moscow Times
  • The shelling is so intense that on bad days it turns the sky orange. But despite this, Iryna Bondarenko and her team get in their cars and drive through the explosions to deliver life-saving medicines and services to those living with HIV in Ukraine.

    April 5, 2022
    The Independent
  • A team of Northwestern University researchers sought to understand how the relatively small HIV virus is capable of hijacking cells across the body. The study, published in Nature Communications, used CRISPR gene-editing technology to find that host-pathogen protein-protein interaction may be a source for functional host factor discovery.

    April 4, 2022
    Contagion Live
  • The number of men who underwent voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) in Zimbabwe last year increased by about 80 percent compared to 2020, statistics from the National AIDS Council (NAC) show.

    April 2, 2022
    The Chronicle
  • Policy shifts in infant feeding guidelines for women living with HIV have weakened confidence in breastfeeding in South Africa, according to an analysis of interviews with experts in the field.

    April 1, 2022

Published Research
