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6 JUNE 2014, VOLUME 15, ISSUE 23

Media Coverage

  • No person should be subjected to research that they have not consented or assented to, says Dr Ester Munalula-Nkandu. Dr Nkandu, vice-chairperson of the Natural and Applied Sciences Research Ethics Committee of the University of Zambia and chairperson of the Excellence Research Ethics and Science Converge Independent Review Board, says while some research can be risky, it needs to be well regulated and also needs to be relevant to the setting in which it is hosted....
    June 5, 2014
    Post Zambia
  • Fifty artistes from the Chikuru Rudo family were circumcised last week, in a move meant to encourage health seeking behaviour among youths. The artistes, drawn from various genres including urban grooves and Zim dancehall, came together as a family to undergo voluntary medical male circumcision....
    June 5, 2014
    The Herald
  • A Henan province regulation requiring new college students to be tested, on a voluntary basis, for HIV is raising concerns over discrimination and privacy... Wang Zhe, deputy director at the Henan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said on Tuesday that the tests are voluntary and meant to promote awareness of HIV and AIDS prevention among college students...
    June 5, 2014
    China Daily/Asia New Network
  • Recently, an article appeared in the Times about how HIV negative gay men are taking Truvada, a drug to treat HIV infection, as a way to prevent themselves from getting AIDS. It is somewhat difficult to get a read on how widespread or successful this practice is, but the movement of HIV prevention in this direction as well as the hostile reaction by some, is revealing in what is says about gay men and our general attitudes toward sexuality....
    June 4, 2014
    Psychology Today
  • In the May 6 online edition of AIDS, CDC researchers gave updated estimates of the risk of HIV acquisition from various types of exposure, including sexual, parenteral (for example, accidental needle-sticks or sharing injection drug equipment), and vertical (mother-to-child). They also looked at the protective effect of various prevention strategies.

    June 4, 2014
  • The world has woken up to the importance of antiretroviral treatment and HIV prevention for children and adolescents... But stand-alone clinical services are insufficient: uptake of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and adherence remain suboptimal, and adolescent HIV incidence remains high... Until now, we have lacked substantive evidence of effective interventions to overcome these barriers. But the past 18 months have seen new randomised trials and cohort studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of combination approaches...
    June 4, 2014
    Lancet Global Health
  • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced funding for 55 projects that tackle key global health and development problems through its Grand Challenges Explorations Initiative — several of which are attempting to reinvent the condom.

    June 3, 2014
  • In the wake of Donald Sterling, soon-to-be-former co-owner of the Los Angeles Clippers now infamous for his racist and AIDS-phobic comments..., advocates are raising questions about the lack of mainstream media coverage of HIV outside of these types of scandals... A recent analysis of cable evening news by Media Matters, showed that CNN, MSNBC and Fox News have virtually ignored most of the major developments in the fight against HIV/AIDS over the past year...
    June 2, 2014
  • ..According to the National Committee for Prevention and Control of AIDS, Drugs and Prostitution, due to the limited budget, effectively controlling AIDS, drug and prostitution in Vietnam is very difficult. Donations towards this cause have also been on the decrease....Many fear that, in the long-term, if the budget is not increased, Vietnam will face a high risk of increasing HIV/AIDS rates.
    June 1, 2014
    Vietnam Net
  • The director of UNAIDS in Angola, Sihaka Tsemo, Friday in Luanda...said that pregnant women should try to know as early as possible about their HIV status in order to begin treatment immediately and thus protect their children from the virus. Sihaka Tsemo showed...concern with some HIV positive people who drop out of antiretroviral therapy to traditional treatment, an attitude that has been adversely affecting the clinical condition of many patients....
    May 31, 2014
    All Africa
  • Mudede made the remarks Sunday during an address at the Family of God Church in Harare. He said contraceptives were a "ploy by powerful nations to retard population growth in Africa thereby weakening the nations." He also said contraceptives were "conduits for diseases"  ...His comments have sparked an outcry from many, particularly from activists campaigning for HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention...

    May 29, 2014
    Nehanda Radio
  • Truvada (emtricitabine/tenofovir) as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) against HIV takes an estimated seven days to reach full efficacy and may protect for nearly a week afterward, the National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project (NATAP) reports....The researchers caution that these findings are preliminary and this is far from the last word on the matter.
    May 29, 2014
  • ...According to the 2012 National Antenatal Sentinel HIV and HSV-2 Prevalence Survey, approximately 90 percent of HIV-positive pregnant women are co-infected with HSV. Tests on approximately 19,000 women from Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, and the Western and Northern capes showed an average 55.8-percent HSV infection rate [and] an HSV prevalence of approximately 90 percent among HIV-positive women compared with 42.5 percent in HIV-negative women...

    May 28, 2014
    health-e Online News Service
  • HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with tenofovir is associated with mild disturbances in kidney function that resolve when treatment is stopped, investigators report in the online edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases. The study, in Thailand, involved people who inject drugs who took PrEP for up to five years. Daily tenofovir therapy was associated with small decreases in key measures of kidney function...but these reversed after stopping PrEP....
    May 21, 2014
  • The Standard reminded parents of South West, Australia, to make sure their sons in year 9 completed three doses of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination while it is free. The country introduced the vaccine five years ago as part of its National Immunization Program, which recommends the vaccine for girls and boys ages 12–13. Boys ages 14–15 can receive the vaccine free as part of a catch-up program....
    May 21, 2014
    The Standard
  • ...An MSF study on world prices of viral load testing found “a dramatic gap” between the manufacturing cost and the market price African countries pay. Point of care viral load testing remains largely unavailable in Africa, says the study. Instead, collected blood samples are sent for testing at a central laboratory....HIV experts worry that many women on ARV treatment have never had a viral load test, or it came too late.... 
    May 19, 2014
    IPS News

Published Research
