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5 JUNE 2020 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 22

Media Coverage

  • PrEP, the life-saving HIV prevention drug, was due to be available on the NHS in April 2020. But today it has emerged one sexual health clinic is telling its patients it's been "indefinitely delayed."

    June 5, 2020
  • As South Africans with compromised immune systems are continuously warned to be extra cautious amid the COVID-19 pandemic, questions have been raised about the vulnerability of the country’s large HIV population on antiretroviral treatment.

    June 5, 2020
    Eyewitness News
  • Allow me to begin with scenes from my life: In my office men’s room, a man kicks the toilet seat up with his foot to avoid touching it. Passengers on the subway look suspiciously at her other, searching for signs of illness, and quickly move away from anyone who coughs. Family members or friends perceived to be “at risk” are admonished to be “extra careful” with their health. Healthcare professionals express fear of being exposed on the job.

    June 5, 2020
    HIV Plus Mag
  • “I don’t know a single Black person who is sleeping properly these days” tweeted Dr Crystal Fleming in New York City the other night. As a black British woman this is my new reality. Each morning I wake up with a twist of fear about how I’ll keep my family safe and what new horrors I’ll hear about being unleashed on my community.

    June 5, 2020
  • In the days before the COVID-19 crisis, Ugandan sex worker Lillian Namiiro worked on the Tanzanian border, educating colleagues and connecting people to the national HIV response.

    June 4, 2020
    Mail & Guardian
  • OraSure Technologies, best known for its rapid HIV tests, is purchasing UrSure Inc., a private Boston-based company that has developed tests to measure adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, the daily tablet taken by HIV-negative people to prevent contracting the virus.

    June 3, 2020
  • The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted serious consideration of a type of research — challenge trials — that might ordinarily be dismissed as too risky. Challenge trials intentionally expose healthy people to a pathogen to quickly learn more about the disease it causes or to gain early insight into whether a new vaccine or treatment works. These studies can be done ethically, but are not typically done for emerging viruses we know so little about, and for which there are no proven cures.

    June 2, 2020
    New York Times
  • A Trump administration program to get 200,000 uninsured patients access to the HIV prevention drug Truvada only has 891 participants, HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Brett Giroir said Monday at a virtual meeting of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.

    June 1, 2020
    Bloomberg Law
  • Simmons was best known for his 24 years of transformative work with Us Helping Us, People Into Living, Inc.—an organization dedicated to improving the well-being of Black gay men and reducing the impact of HIV/AIDS throughout the entire Black community—which he led as president and CEO until 2016. In accordance with his excellence—and in observation of the 30th anniversary of the HIV/AIDS pandemic—the Obama White House honored his work against the disease by declaring him a Champion of Change on June 10, 2011.

    June 1, 2020
    The Body
  • For years, the scientific community has been pursuing the holy grail of a complete cure for HIV, the infection linked to the deadly AIDS disease which has 35 million people worldwide since its discovery 4 decades—and to this day afflicts nearly 38 million.

    May 31, 2020
    Contagion Live

Published Research
