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Media Coverage

  • A week into his term, President Biden signed a memorandum rescinding the policy known by its critics as the “global gag rule,” which bars US funding for organizations abroad that perform abortions or offer information about them.

    January 28, 2021
    Washington Post
  • On January 26, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the dapivirine vaginal ring as one of several HIV prevention options available to women at substantial risk for HIV acquisition.

    January 28, 2021
  • There remains a substantial gap throughout Europe between the need and desire for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and the number of people actually using it, an online workshop convened towards the end of last year by the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) heard.

    January 27, 2021
  • COVID-19 has raffled the feathers of all countries across the globe, creating a health crisis in a manner many, especially the developing world, never imagined. With many developed countries worst hit by the pandemic, many in Africa, too, are being hit hard as the second wave of COVID-19 sweeps across the continent.

    January 27, 2021
    The Chronicle
  • Women taking long-acting injections of cabotegravir had 89% fewer HIV infections than women prescribed daily PrEP pills in a landmark study conducted in seven African countries, Professor Sinead Delany-Moretlwe of the University of Witwatersrand told the virtual HIV Research for Prevention (HIVR4P) conference.

    January 27, 2021
  • South Africa is ahead of local targets in rolling out the HIV prevention pill. Meanwhile, options for HIV prevention are expanding — though the devil is in the detail of getting medicines to people in a way that works for them.

    January 27, 2021
    Daily Maverick
  • New pivotal research, the first of its kind to announce results, builds on ideas from vaccination and tests a new idea: whether special antibodies — the type that can help someone fight off multiple forms of the virus — can be used to prevent HIV infection.

    January 27, 2021
    Antibody Related Research
  • HIV PrEP uptake has increased sixfold globally in the last 4 years but remains short of the UNAIDS target of 3 million users, according to data reported during the HIV Research for Prevention virtual conference.

    January 26, 2021
  • It has taken more than 4 years and $119 million for HIV researchers to test whether giving people infusions of antibodies made in a lab can protect them from the AIDS virus. Now, the unsatisfying answer is in: sometimes.

    January 26, 2021
    Antibody Related Research
    Science Magazine
  • The national HIV prevention program Ready, Set PrEP now allows enrollees to have their pre-exposure prophylaxis meds delivered by mail. The PrEP tablets can be delivered to a location of their choice, such as a home or nearby pharmacy.

    January 26, 2021
  • Today, important advances in HIV prevention research were announced at the 4th HIV Research for Prevention Conference (HIVR4P // Virtual), convened by IAS – the International AIDS Society. The most exciting highlights for women who have been waiting with bated breath are findings from a pair of trials evaluating whether infusions with a broadly neutralizing antibody (bNAb) can prevent HIV acquisition and positive interim results from a study of long-acting injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in women.

    January 26, 2021
    The Herald Zimbabwe
  • In the Philippines, there’s been a more than 70 percent delay or reduction in the number of visits to HIV clinics since the arrival of COVID-19, according to a survey conducted by Gilead Sciences and partners. Restrictions on mobility as a result of the pandemic were blamed. As a result, 64 percent of individuals at-risk reported a decrease in testing and more than half reported having either decreased or stopped taking their preventive medications.

    January 26, 2021
  • Islatravir, the first of a new class of antiretrovirals, appeared to be well tolerated, reached levels adequate for HIV prevention and should work for at least a month, according to research presented this week at the virtual HIV Research for Prevention conference (HIVR4P).

    January 26, 2021
  • An analysis of data from 38 African countries predicts that few, if any, are on track to reach key UNAIDS targets for HIV testing and condom use by 2030. This is one of the important advances in HIV prevention research announced today at the 4th HIV Research for Prevention Conference (HIVR4P // Virtual), convened by IAS – the International AIDS Society.

    January 26, 2021
    The Herald Zimbabwe
  • In a world where recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is top of the political agenda and vital for everyone’s future, we would do well to relearn some vital lessons about the nature and transformative potential that the HIV/Aids response has exemplified.

    January 25, 2021
    Daily Maverick
  • The median time between when patients enter HIV care to when they receive a prescription for ART decreased by more than 90 percent between 2005 and 2018, according to a study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

    January 24, 2021
  • After an unprecedented and emotionally exhausting year, Plus asked some of the most respected Black leaders in the HIV community what they want to see happen in 2021.

    January 22, 2021
    HIV Plus Mag
  • Allocating more money to make sure every US resident living with HIV achieves and maintains an undetectable viral load, rather than focusing on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), could slash new HIV cases by 94 percent by 2027.

    January 22, 2021

Published Research

  • Our study demonstrated a remarkably high level of awareness about HIV/AIDS among study participants, but the knowledge and positive acceptance attitude towards PLWHIV were not encouraging. Thus, endeavors to expand and strengthen educational campaigns on HIV/AIDS in communities, health facilities, and schools are highly recommended. Attention should particularly focus on young-aged and disadvantaged women with low educational level, poor socioeconomic status and those who have never been tested for HIV/AIDS.

    January 26, 2021
    BMC Women's Health
  • Results showed that respondents obtained information about HIV most often from HIV organizations, LGBT organizations, and dating/hookup apps, particularly the apps Growlr, Scruff, and Grindr. Use of the app Scruff was the strongest source-based predictor of beliefs about both PrEP and condoms. Implications for health promotion are discussed.

    January 25, 2021
    Health Communication
  • Future refinements of the HPTN Ethics Guidance Document (EGD) and other research ethics guidance could be strengthened by providing explicit advice regarding the ethical issues associated with disrupted research and the reopening of studies. In addition, additional consideration should be given to appropriately balancing domains of risk (e.g., physical versus social), addressing the vulnerability of research staff and community partners, and responding to un-anticipatable ancillary care needs of participants and communities. Appropriately addressing these issues will necessitate conceptual work, which would benefit from the careful documentation of the actual ethical issues encountered in research, the strategies implemented to overcome them, and their success in doing so. Throughout all of these efforts, it is critical to remember that the HIV pandemic not be forgotten in the rush to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

    January 25, 2021
    BMC Medical Ethics
  • We used nonlinear mixed effects modelling of longitudinal serum VRC01 concentrations to characterise pharmacokinetics and predict HIV-1 neutralisation coverage. We found that body weight significantly influenced clearance, and that the mean peripheral volume of distribution, steady state volume of distribution, elimination half-life, and accumulation ratio were significantly higher in MSM/TG than in women. Neutralisation coverage was predicted to be higher in the first (versus second) half of a given 8-week infusion interval, and appeared to be higher in MSM/TG than in women overall. Study cohort differences in pharmacokinetics and neutralisation coverage provide insights for interpreting the AMP results and for investigating how VRC01 concentration and neutralisation correlate with HIV incidence.

    January 23, 2021
    Antibody Related Research
  • Study findings provide insight into gaps that must be addressed when using technology-enhanced methods to support HIV testing and research participation among transgender women in the US. Substantial effort is required on the part of investigators to ensure equitable access across subgroups and, thus, minimize bias to avoid reproducing health disparities in research.

    January 23, 2021
    AIDS Care
  • In 2018, most incident sexually transmitted HIV infections occurred in MSM and the burden was disproportionate for persons aged 24-35 years, and Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino adults and adolescents. Efforts to increase use of effective biomedical and behavioral prevention methods must be intensified to reach the goal to end the HIV epidemic in the United States.

    January 23, 2021
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Readiness for PrEP implementation was positively associated with a climate supportive of HIV prevention, leadership engagement, and availability of resources, and negatively associated with providers holding negative attitudes about PrEP's suitability for FP. The Title X FP network is a vital source of sexual health care for millions of individuals across the US. Clinic-level barriers to providing PrEP must be addressed to expand onsite PrEP delivery in Title X FP clinics in the Southern US.

    January 23, 2021
    AIDS and Behavior
  • Most women who inject drugs (WWID) intended to initiate PrEP and 78 percent accepted a prescription. Compared to WWID who did not express PrEP intentions, those who did were less concerned about attitudinal and perceived behavioral control constructs such as temporary and long-term side effects, negative interactions with their birth control, their ability to take a daily pill, and the cost of PrEP. WWID who went on to take PrEP had fewer concerns with subjective norms constructs such as talking to health care providers about sex and drug use compared to those who did not.

    January 23, 2021
    AIDS Care
  • 40 years since the first cases of HIV were identified, we often reflect in these pages about the enormous advances that have been made to combat the disease. From the vantage point of 2021 there is a lot to celebrate: an unknown virus identified, characterised, and sequenced; treatments developed and refined; health systems strengthened to deliver those treatments; an HIV response that has shaped health systems and global health.

    January 22, 2021
    Lancet HIV
  • This review will discuss how insight from the current model of HIV-1 mucosal transmission and cell entry has highlighted challenges in developing effective strategies to prevent infection. First, we examine key viral and host factors that play a role in transmission and infection. We then discuss preventive strategies based on antibody-mediated protection, with emphasis on targeting T/F viruses and mucosal immunity. Lastly, we review treatment strategies targeting viral entry, with focus on the most clinically advanced entry inhibitors.

    January 22, 2021
  • We seek to show the importance of prioritising access to PrEP for people living with serious mental illness treated in community mental health settings. We describe barriers to prescribing PrEP, including provider attitudes and provider knowledge gaps, patient attitudes and knowledge, and systems issues. We also address the concerns that community mental health clinic administrators might have about taking on the responsibility of offering PrEP. In summary, despite the barriers to prescribing PrEP in these settings, we believe that there is a unique opportunity for community mental health settings to help address the HIV epidemic by facilitating the prescribing of PrEP to the at-risk populations they currently serve.

    January 22, 2021
    Lancet HIV
  • Most MSM were interested in using various potential future HIV prevention products, especially LAI. However, two typologies of potential users emerged: men who prefer sexual event‐based methods (condoms, event‐based pill, sexual gels and suppositories) and men who prefer non‐sexual event‐based methods (daily pill, LAI). Men who reported recent unprotected anal sex preferred a penile gel product most, followed closely by sexual event‐based pills and LAI. Racial/ethnic differences were noted as well. These findings on product preferences can help in formulation development and messaging.

    January 22, 2021
  • Vaccine and placebo arms did not significantly differ in ≥ HSIL or EAGL rates or in protection against infection by HPV genotype vaccine except for HPV6 at 12 months after the first dose. A long-lasting immune response was observed in almost all the vaccinated men. The main protective factor against ≥ HSIL was to have completed the vaccination regimen more than 6 months earlier.

    January 20, 2021
  • Children with HIV infection may retain long term antibody response following HPV immunization. Further work to define whether HIV-infected children are protected from HPV acquisition with low levels of HPV antibodies is needed.

    January 20, 2021
  • Novel AEHI criteria incorporating ARCHITECT S/CO into diagnostic algorithms facilitated rapid and efficient ART initiation without waiting for an HIV RNA result. These new criteria may facilitate AEHI diagnosis, staging, and immediate ART initiation in future research studies and clinical practice.

    December 31, 2020
    Clinical Infectious Diseases


  • The Objective of this Addendum is to bring together a collaboration of partners with diverse, complementary, and relevant capabilities that, when combined, will accelerate the research and development (R&D) of new HIV prevention products that women can choose to protect themselves, and address the continuing and disproportionately high rates of HIV incidence in women, especially adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa. For more information and to apply, click here.

    January 29, 2021
  • USAID’s Microbicide Program aims to bridge gaps and reduce barriers among R&D, regulatory approval, introduction, access, and scale-up of close-to-market products through program research and country engagement activities that identify and address obstacles, gaps, and bottlenecks that delay timely access to new prevention technologies and their resulting impact. For more information and to apply, click here.

    January 27, 2021