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  • Jennifer Hadayia, MPA, senior director of public health at Legacy Community Health in Houston, Texas, remembers when she first saw at-home HIV testing kits on the shelf of her local pharmacy.

    October 22, 2020
  • Six months ago, The GUM/HIV Risk Reduction Clinic in Belfast, which provided PrEP, closed due to reorganisation following the coronavirus outbreak. However, it has now been confirmed that the clinic has no reopening date for the time being. The clinic closed despite a pilot project guaranteeing it funding until March 31, 2021.

    October 21, 2020
    Gay Times
  • Injectable medications – either for HIV prevention and treatment – would be an attractive option for women living in the US, due to their perceived effectiveness, convenience, ease and greater confidentiality.

    October 21, 2020
  • A few years ago, a colleague asked Aadia Rana, MD, associate professor of medicine and scientist in the Center for AIDS Research at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, what three things would have the biggest effects on ending the HIV epidemic.

    October 21, 2020
  • Key populations – which include gay and bisexual men, transgender people, sex workers and people who inject drugs – represented more than half of all new HIV infections in 2018 alone. However only two per cent of the total amount spent on the global HIV response went towards supporting these groups and their partners, according to an analysis by Aidsfonds and Communities of Change. Just 11 per cent of all prevention funding between 2016 and 2018 was spent on these marginalised communities.

    October 20, 2020
    The Telegraph
  • It took years of hesitation and worry before I was open about my HIV status. I wondered how the people around me would respond. Would my friends want to stay friends? If they did, would they just reduce me to a bunch of stereotypes at either end of an uncomfortable spectrum from ‘victim’ to ‘brave’ - or worse.

    October 20, 2020
  • Funding to fight HIV among gay and bisexual men and transgender women is a fraction of what it should be, researchers said on Tuesday, with advocates blaming stigma for the shortfall.

    October 20, 2020
  • As medical breakthroughs allow more and more people to grow old with AIDS, the virus has — in many circles — become old news. Few organizations know this better than the Austrian charity Diversity Care Vienna. Since its founding in 1999, the unassuming NGO — which provides home nursing to AIDS patients in Vienna — could count on a donation of around €100,000 a year via Austria’s Life Ball, a glitzy, raunchy gala to raise cash for the fight against HIV. It was, until recently, the biggest charity event for the cause in Europe.

    October 20, 2020
  • Certain COVID-19 vaccine candidates could increase susceptibility to HIV, warns a group of researchers who in 2007 learned that an experimental HIV vaccine had raised in some people the risk for infection with the AIDS virus. These concerns have percolated in the background of the race for a vaccine to stem the coronavirus pandemic, but now the researchers have gone public with a “cautionary tale,” in part because trials of those candidates may soon begin in locales that have pronounced HIV epidemics, such as South Africa.

    October 19, 2020
    Science Magazine
  • The first long-acting injectable treatments for HIV were recommended for marketing approval on October 16 by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

    October 19, 2020
  • Following the introduction of user fees in a Nigerian clinic, the number of people enrolling in HIV care fell by 66 percent in one year, finds a study published in PLOS One this month.

    October 14, 2020

Published Research
