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23 MAY 2014, VOLUME 15, ISSUE 21

Media Coverage

  • What to do when HIV-infection rates stop going down--and condom use continues to fall? If you're US health officials, you recommend that Americans at high risk of infection take a pill: Gilead Sciences' Truvada, an AIDS fighter that's the only drug approved for HIV prevention.

    May 26, 2014
  • Pretend it's 1960, and the Food and Drug Administration has just done something startling. It has taken a drug it had previously approved for infertility - brand name Enovid - and approved it for the opposite use: birth control. That pill - soon simply the Pill - triggered the sexual revolution.

    May 23, 2014
    New York Times
  • GlaxoSmithKline has been a partner of the GAVI Alliance for years, offering some of its vaccines at low cost to help support immunization efforts for children in emerging countries. But now, it's going one step further with a 5-year price freeze on three of its vaccines for countries that graduate from GAVI funding.

    May 22, 2014
    Fierce Vaccines
  • International bodies and local campaign groups have repeatedly criticised Russia for not doing anywhere near enough in terms of providing prevention services or access to medical treatment for HIV/AIDS sufferers. The fourth Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) HIV/AIDS Conference, which finished in Moscow last week, has not put a stop to that criticism.

    May 21, 2014
    IPS News
  • Society for Family Health male circumcision ambassador Sulupinsio Banda says most Zambian celebrities are keen to get circumcised and champion the cause...."In fact, majority of the celebrities I discuss issues of circumcision with are circumcised.

    May 21, 2014
    Post (Zambia)
  • The family of the toddler at the centre of a case that on Monday ended in a three-year jail term for a 64- year-old nurse has criticized AIDS activists for showing no concern for an innocent baby. Buganda Road Chief Magistrate Olive Kazaarwe found Rosemary Namubiru guilty of professional negligence under section 171 of the Penal Code and sentenced her to three years in prison for pricking her index finger and using the same cannula to inject the three-year-old boy, well knowing that she was HIV- positive.

    May 20, 2014
    The Observer
  • The United Nations is talking to oil-producing African countries about levying 10 cents on every barrel produced to provide funds to help the poorest nations improve public health, a senior UN official said on Tuesday. The proposed funding mechanism would follow two other schemes to raise money for development in unconventional ways - a levy on airline tickets in more than 90 countries and a tax planned by 11 European nations on share transactions.

    May 20, 2014
  • Global-health campaigners and researchers are protesting against a proposal that they say would allow drug companies to raise prices for needed medicines in many developing countries. On 13 May, a coalition of 220 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) condemned a proposal from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that promotes 'tiered pricing', in which drug companies offer the same medicines at vastly different prices in different countries.

    May 20, 2014
  • Researchers are worried that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is backpedaling on its pledge to open clinical trials data to public scrutiny. Draft documents detailing how the agency plans to make such data available contains small print that may severely limit access and that constitutes a turnaround from earlier promises for openness, academics say....

    May 19, 2014
  • A single daily pill may help prevent HIV. And in America, gay men who have lost countless loved ones to AIDS can't stop fighting about it. Much of the debate has played out on the Internet and social media as tempers flare over promiscuity, erratic condom use and the potential to either eliminate or worsen the stubborn HIV/AIDS epidemic.

    May 17, 2014
    Times of India
  • ....Developing new pediatric formulations is a priority in the global response to pediatric HIV, said Global AIDS Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx...."We're still astounded that in countries where we have over 90 percent prevention of mother-to-child-transmission coverage, there's a big gap for treatment among children," Birx said.

    May 15, 2014
    Science Speaks
  • Great fanfare has accompanied the findings from several big studies over the past few years that an anti-HIV pill a day can keep the virus away. Interim guidelines from the US Centers for Disease and Prevention have backed the approach, known as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), for people at high risk of becoming infected, and the US Food and Drug Administration also approved the strategy in 2012.

    May 15, 2014
  • The new budget by Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, and his government, may be good for biomedical sciences but other sciences will lose out. The first budget announced by Australia's conservative coalition government has polarized scientists

    May 14, 2014
  • ...When a problem is inextricably linked to behavior change, it's essential to make the solution both convenient to practice, and something that can be socially reinforced. In Liberia, for example, 60 percent of women are pregnant by age 19. How do you effectively teach young people about protected sex and contraceptives so that it changes their actions?

    May 14, 2014
    New York Times

Published Research
