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21 MAY 2021 VOLUME 23 ISSUE 20

Media Coverage

  • Recently, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) launched the world population report 2021 that focused on bodily autonomy. Dubbed My Body Is My Own, the report encourages individuals to claim the right to make decisions concerning their sexual health and self-determination.

    May 21, 2021
    Citizen Digital
  • Interviews with heterosexual couples in Tanzania suggest that pairs often make decisions about HIV-prevention together and that working with both partners could increase PrEP and ART access.

    May 21, 2021
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis or “PrEP,” a once-daily pill that prevents HIV transmission, has been a game changer for HIV and has helped put the United States on a path to end new HIV infections nationwide. However, PrEP has also exposed the instability of HIV public health financing and its outsized reliance on pharmaceutical manufacturers to prop up not only medication access programs but the basic fabric of the HIV workforce.

    May 20, 2021
    Health Affairs
  • Tuesday, May 18, marks HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (#HVAD) 2021. It’s designated as a time to thank the researchers, community leaders, health professionals and volunteers working to develop a vaccine to prevent HIV/AIDS. It’s also a day to educate the public about advancements in vaccine research and raise awareness about the need for an HIV vaccine.

    May 18, 2021
  • Today is HIV Vaccine Awareness Day. A vaccine could most certainly eliminate new HIV infections; lead to epidemic control and perhaps even eradication. Though there are promising vaccines in the research pipeline, none are available yet. Today is also an opportunity to reflect upon the gains made in HIV prevention beyond HIV vaccines. One major advancement worth celebrating is the newly developed and soon-to-be rolled-out Dapivirine Vaginal Ring.

    May 18, 2021
    The Star
  • The way in which the world has responded to COVID, has fundamentally changed ideas of what’s possible in vaccine development—but, regrettably, access to that scientific knowledge remains the property of a few drug companies and research institutions in wealthy countries.

    May 18, 2021
  • Pregnant women are generally excluded from clinical trials of medicines and treatments, so there’s no way to know for sure if a new drug or vaccine is safe for mother and baby.

    May 18, 2021
  • First celebrated in 1998, a little more than a decade after the launch of the very first HIV vaccine study, HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD), observed each May 18, is an opportunity to spotlight the ongoing global efforts to develop a safe and effective vaccine against HIV.

    May 18, 2021
    HIV Plus Mag
  • After more than three decades of research, scientists have had little success developing vaccines to prevent HIV. But advances in vaccine science—including those that led to the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines—could offer hope for the future.

    May 18, 2021
  • For years, the public face of the HIV epidemic has been made up almost entirely of white gay men. There have been a few prominent exceptions, like Magic Johnson and Ryan White, but the bulk of HIV prevention and care was directed at this single community, allowing it to spread at devastating rates in other populations.

    May 18, 2021
  • Smallpox has been eradicated from the face of the Earth following a highly effective, worldwide vaccination campaign. Paralytic poliomyelitis is no longer a problem in the US because of development and use of effective vaccines against the poliovirus. In current times, millions of lives have been saved because of rapid deployment of effective vaccines against COVID-19. And yet, it has been 37 years since HIV was discovered as the cause of AIDS, and there is no vaccine. Here, I will describe the difficulties facing development of an effective vaccine against HIV/AIDS.

    May 17, 2021
    The Conversation
  • The landmark US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the first long-acting injectable HIV regimen, Cabenuva (cabotegravir/rilpivirine), in January burst open a new treatment door for many people living with HIV (PLWH). The approval signaled a move from daily pills to two shots in the butt—one for cabotegravir and the other for rilpivirine—once a month. You may be asking, though, will doctors now start switching PLWH en masse from pills to injections? The short answer is no.

    May 17, 2021
    The Body
  • America led the world in buying up the messenger RNA vaccines that have proven most effective against COVID-19. It’s now starting to lead the world in not using them.

    May 15, 2021
  • After over a year of living in fear, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday said the words we have been waiting to hear: It's finally time to begin taking off our masks. That news comes as confirmation that with enough vaccinations, we as a country can begin to let people go back to some semblance of normalcy — at least in small groups.

    May 15, 2021
  • Since the arrival of Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines for Covid-19, Asia-Pacific countries have struggled to source adequate supplies. Governments including those of Australia, South Korea and Singapore are now racing to establish facilities to manufacture the jabs themselves – and in the process harness a potentially game-changing technology in the fight against disease.

    May 15, 2021
    South China Morning Post
  • The United States is well on its way to protecting Americans from the coronavirus. It’s time to help the rest of the world. By marshaling this nation’s vast resources to produce and distribute enough vaccines to meet global demand, the United States would act in keeping with the nation’s best traditions and highest aspirations while advancing its geopolitical and economic interests. It is a moment of both obligation and opportunity.

    May 14, 2021
    New York Times

Published Research
