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  • Plans by the US government to reduce HIV funding to Kenya in the 2021 financial year have been met with strong opposition by the civil society. The groups say this is unacceptable, especially when the country is facing the COVID-19 pandemic and an ongoing shortage of antiretroviral medicines.

    April 2, 2021
    The Standard
  • When Phindile Sithole-Spong tells a gathering of young South Africans at a halfway-house for vulnerable teens in a Soweto township to ask her what it’s like to live with HIV, a young woman sitting in the center’s garden, where the teens have gathered for the talk, immediately raises her hand. “Do you have a boyfriend?” she asks. Sithole-Spong, 25, smiles and begins telling her audience how she met her beau.

    April 1, 2021
  • A South African programme that enabled people to take HIV tests in a variety of community settings, such as homes and workplaces, has resulted in high rates of young people getting tested, particularly young women, and reached more men.

    April 1, 2021
  • One day in February 2019, Nazeer Shah carried his 1-year-old daughter, Eman, into a medical clinic. The doctor there, Imran Arbani, was immediately alarmed: The girl was limp and lethargic, her head flopped over on her father’s shoulder.

    March 31, 2021
    New York Times Magazine
  • HIV thrives in marginalized communities: When people face oppression and marginalization, many types of illness can follow. In America, transgender women, especially transgender women of color, face multiple forms of oppression and are therefore put at risk for HIV. The factors behind this disparity include stigma, discrimination, poverty, lack of housing, lack of proper employment, and lack of access to health care.

    March 31, 2021
    The BodyPro
  • The Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) has released a new global AIDS strategy for the next five years. The plan sets targets and lays out policies that will not only help end AIDS as a global health threat by 2030 but also get those efforts back on track after the setbacks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. What’s more, the plan focuses on health equity by taking aim at the inequalities that fuel the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

    March 30, 2021
  • A study interviewing the male partners of women using the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring for HIV prevention found that 41 percent felt the ring during sex. For most men, the ring did not affect the frequency or experience of sex, although they had some initial concerns about safety. Encouragingly, 96 percent of men said that they would support their partner in using the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring again.

    March 30, 2021
  • You have to be careful when comparing HIV and COVID-19 because the speed and scale of our response has been, undoubtedly, different. But there are key lessons from the way we have tackled HIV, particularily in the LGBTQ community, that can guide our path out of the pandemic.

    March 30, 2021
  • In March 2020, as a new pandemic swept across the globe, National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci, MD, predicted that a COVID-19 vaccine could be available in 12 to 18 months. A year later, three highly effective vaccines are authorized in the United States, and over 95 million Americans have received their first dose.

    March 29, 2021
  • HIV activists have been saying for years that investing in local communities could improve HIV outcomes for Black and Latino people for whom the current health care system isn’t working. New data from the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) seem to support this.

    March 29, 2021
  • Using molecules called designed ankyrin repeat proteins, or DARPins, researchers identified structures of the variable loop 3 on the HIV-1 envelope as that could be used as a vaccine blueprint and target for therapeutics.

    March 27, 2021
    HIV Vaccine, General

Published Research
