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  • Hector was working hard in class to please his immigrant parents when the 17-year-old was struck down with a fever. Unable to keep food or liquids down, he spent two weeks on the couch of his family home in the Bronx. It took several doctors and numerous tests before blood work indicated he had HIV. His viral load had soared to near-fatal levels.

    February 15, 2019
    The Guardian
  • While remarkable progress has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, ending the epidemic will likely take longer than 10 years and will take more than drugs. That’s because the main driver of the disease has more to do with social inequity than with the virus alone.

    February 14, 2019
    The Conversation
  • Policies that have made President Donald Trump unpopular with groups disproportionately affected by HIV won’t hamper plans to end the epidemic within the next decade, NIH’s HIV/AIDS chief said in an interview with Bloomberg Law.

    February 14, 2019
    Bloomberg Law
  • In 2012, the first HIV prevention medication was approved by the FDA. In 2014, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued official guidelines for health-care providers for the treatment, but adoption of the guidelines has been slow. Many primary care clinicians, including college health clinicians, have long thought of HIV prevention as something for HIV specialists. But Margaret Higham, medical director of the Tufts Student Health Service, and Ariel Watriss, a sexual health specialist there, took a different approach.

    February 14, 2019
    Tufts Now
  • For decades, it was thought an effective vaccine would be developed in just a year or two (reports claimed this as early as the 1980s). Instead, failures have pushed scientists to embrace multi-injection vaccines. Now, a new study has renewed researchers’ optimism about the potential for a single-shot vaccine.

    February 14, 2019
    HIV Plus Mag
  • A total of 1,993 new cases of HIV/AIDS were confirmed last year, a 21 percent annual decrease, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said yesterday, adding that the main infection route was unprotected sex, which accounted for 92 percent of the cases.

    February 13, 2019
    Taipei Times
  • The National Institutes of Health announces the launch of REACH, a phase 2a trial evaluating safety and adherence to a vaginal ring containing dapivirine and oral emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (FTC/TDF) PrEP.

    February 12, 2019
    Contagion Live
  • Basic scientists in France have recently discovered that macrophages located in urethral tissue can contribute to cellular HIV reservoirs, and that the quantity of these specific immune cells is surprisingly high. Results were published in Nature Microbiology last week.

    February 12, 2019
  • In his State of the Union address, President Trump announced a bold plan to end the scourge of HIV by 2030, a promise that seemed to fly in the face of two years of policies and proposals that go in the opposite direction and could undermine progress against the virus that causes AIDS.

    February 12, 2019
    New York Times
  • During last week's State of the Union address, President Donald J. Trump made a promise to U.S. citizens to end AIDS.... Though the reactions among advocates within the HIV community have been mixed, most have agreed that in order to truly end the epidemic, it will take more activism to ensure the kind of policy, programs, and funding levels are in place to do more than end the epidemic for the already privileged few.

    February 11, 2019
    The Body
  • When Alex was living in Cardiff in 2017 he was able to take pre-exposure prophylaxis, more commonly known as PrEP – a drug readily available in Wales that reduces the risk of getting HIV during sex. But when, in 2018, he moved to London, he was turned away from multiple sexual health clinics, which said they were oversubscribed with men trying to access the drug.

    February 11, 2019
    Huffington Post UK
  • There's a growing number of people living with HIV/AIDS who are defaulting on their anti-retroviral (ARV) drug treatment in one of Tshwane's biggest health centres.

    February 11, 2019
    Sowetan Live
  • First lady Margaret Kenyatta has been elected to serve as the Vice Chairperson of the Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA).

    February 10, 2019
  • In the summer of 1985, Mike Petrelis was savoring life as young, openly gay man in New York City. He'd landed a cool job working for a film publicist who mostly handled foreign art films. He'd found an affordable apartment — not far from the gay mecca of Greenwich Village. Then one day, Petrelis noticed a sort of blotch on his arm.

    February 9, 2019
  • If left unacknowledged, persistent racial and gender disparities in HIV transmission and treatment will continue to thwart any effort to curtail the pandemic.

    February 8, 2019
  • The Trump administration’s disregard for women’s rights is reflected in its attempt to remove the Affordable Care Act’s mandate that insurers cover birth control and its expansion of the “global gag rule” banning U.S. funding to international organizations that so much as discuss abortion. The latter policy is now set to prevent women across the globe from receiving a powerful new HIV medication when it is made available, while men will have unfettered access to it.

    February 8, 2019

Published Research
