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Media Coverage

  • Bulawayo has increased to 80 percent, the coverage of people on the lifesaving antiretroviral therapy (ART) including pregnant women who could have easily transmitted HIV to their new born babies.

    January 13, 2022
  • Following general viral load testing guidelines for adults may lead to just under a third of pregnant women with HIV knowing their viral load. In an analysis piece for the BMJ, Professor Ameena Goga and colleagues from the South African Medical Research Council argue that frequent testing of maternal viral load is needed to prevent HIV transmission through breast milk.

    January 13, 2022
  • The US is facing a national blood crisis, the "worst blood shortage in over a decade," the American Red Cross warns. Despite this urgent need for donations, people who have sex with gay or bisexual men are still facing restrictions on their ability to give blood.

    January 13, 2022
    ABC News
  • An HIV infection remains maddeningly difficult to cure because the virus is so good at hiding out. Yes, antiretroviral (ARV) drugs can control an infection, but HIV integrates its genes into human chromosomes, evading both drugs and the immune system.

    January 12, 2022
  • On Tuesday, New Jersey became the most recent state to move to decriminalize the transmission of HIV/AIDS. The state’s legislature this week passed S-3707, a bill that would repeal current statutes that criminalize acts of sexual penetration if someone knows they’re infected with a venereal disease, HIV, or AIDs.

    January 12, 2022
  • A UCLA-led team of researchers made advancements in a method designed to kill HIV-infected cells, moving scientists a step closer to possibly eliminating the virus altogether, according to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications.

    January 12, 2022
  • France is to allow LGBT citizens to donate blood without "discriminatory" conditions, the country's health ministry has announced. From 16 March, blood donation will be open to all French citizens regardless of their sexual orientation, health minister Olivier Véran said. "We are putting an end to an inequality that was no longer justified," Véran said on Twitter.

    January 12, 2022
  • On a visit to a public hospital in a farming community in late November, I saw something that astonished me. Empty beds. Rows of them, their black plastic-covered mattresses stripped of sheets. Blue privacy curtains folded up over rails, out of the way. I had never seen a Zambian hospital like this. When I last toured one, nearly 15 years ago, patients lay two or three to a bed, head-to-feet-to-head.

    January 11, 2022
    New York Times
  • The AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) recently announced the commencement of A5355, a clinical trial of a novel cytomegalovirus (CMV) vaccine for adults living with both HIV and CMV

    January 10, 2022
    Contagion Live
  • December has come and gone in the blink of an eye, it seemed like only yesterday! The celebrations, the joy, the fun and the full festivities seemed to happen in a flash. Everyone is now focused on creating new goals, making resolutions, re-strategising and preparing to face the New Year with renewed vigour. This is the same pattern for everyone year after year, but may I shake things up a little?

    January 10, 2022
    The Guardian
  • Matt Ebert Liam, an alumnus of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) movement, has been fighting against AIDS and stigma for nearly 35 years. Much of his time has been devoted to standing against abusive power structures that barred his friends and loved ones in arms from accessing the treatment and dignity that they deserved.

    January 10, 2022
    The Body
  • Effective HIV treatment doesn’t just improve health, reduce mortality, prevent transmission of HIV to sexual partners and allow people with HIV to have children without medical procedures. It also reduces the number of children who lose a parent or parents to AIDS-defining illnesses, according to data published in The Lancet HIV.

    January 10, 2022
  • Researchers have identified four intervention mechanisms that may have contributed to increased viral suppression rates with community-based delivery of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa. The community programme was flexible to patients’ needs, integrated multiple components into a single interaction with a healthcare provider, allowed for longer interactions with the provider, and reduced travel time to clinical services.

    January 10, 2022
  • The federal government recently marked this year’s World AIDS Day by announcing funding of $39 million to improve access to HIV care to Medicare-ineligible people living in Australia. This move is something that we should celebrate, as currently there are no sustainable options for HIV-positive people who are ineligible for Medicare to access affordable antiretroviral therapy in Australia.

    January 10, 2022
    Star Observer
  • In order to reach established goals in reducing HIV infection in the US, access to HIV services must be improved for men who have sex with men (MSM) but especially Black, Hispanic/Latino and younger MSM, according to a recent Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).

    January 9, 2022
    General, Treatment
    Contagion Live

Published Research
