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13 MAY 2022 VOLUME 24 ISSUE 19

Media Coverage

  • A seven-month programme in Kenyan public hospitals to increase access and uptake of oral PrEP among adolescent girls and young women had low uptake, with critical challenges encountered in health facilities, the INTEREST 2022 conference in Kampala heard this week. The researchers make several recommendations for how uptake could be increased.

    May 13, 2022
  • Botswana is testing almost all pregnant women for HIV when they register for antenatal care and retesting HIV-negative women on multiple occasions: every three months during pregnancy, at labour and delivery if there hasn’t been a recent test, six to eight weeks after birth, and every three months whilst breastfeeding.

    May 13, 2022
  • Manufacturers of certain HIV tests will face less stringent premarket requirements under a final Food and Drug Administration order issued Friday reclassifying these devices.

    May 13, 2022
    Bloomberg Law
  • This is a story about infections, sex and underwear. More specifically, it’s about sexually-transmitted infections, oral sex and ultrathin, super-stretchy, vanilla-flavored panties. The Food and Drug Administration has authorized the panties to be considered protection against infections that can be transmitted from the vagina or anus during oral sex. It is a first for underwear.

    May 12, 2022
    The New York Times
  • People who have or are at a risk of HIV and who are vulnerable to mental health conditions often face other significant individual, structural, social, and biological challenges to accessing and adhering to HIV prevention and treatment modalities.

    May 12, 2022
    The Independent
  • About a year ago, Dr. Jesse Clark was taking care of people hospitalized with COVID when he met a man he'll never forget. "I thought he was sleeping," says Clark, who's an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, Los Angeles. The man was lying still in the bed. "But when I got around to the other side of the bed, he looked up at me and said, 'My mother just died of COVID. My cousin brought this into the family. She said she was wearing a mask, but she didn't. She got COVID. Now she's dead, too. She has two kids. What's going to happen to them?' "

    May 12, 2022
    NPR Goats and Soda Blog
  • This is Part 2 of an interview with Sorana Segal-Maurer, MD, lead author and principal investigator of the study “Capsid Inhibition with Lenacapavir in Multidrug-Resistant HIV-1 Infection."

    May 12, 2022
    Contagion Live
  • South African researcher Dr. Edith Phalane is using big data to see which are the most effective HIV control programs in sub-Saharan Africa, with the goal of ending HIV/AIDS as an epidemic by 2030.

    May 11, 2022
  • Could lenacapavir be the answer for people with multidrug-resistant HIV infection? Principal investigator Sorana Segal-Maurer discusses the promising trial results in this challenging cohort.

    May 11, 2022
    Contagion Live
  • One individual treated with the broadly neutralizing antibody 3BNC117 plus the latency-reversing agent romidepsin remains in remission nearly four years after stopping antiretroviral therapy, according to study results presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2022). He and other study participants who received the antibody showed enhanced HIV-specific CD8 T-cell responses.

    May 11, 2022
    Antibody Related Research
  • Good solutions have great roadmaps. For HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), the road map might just be that of contraceptive care. Once an onerous process, over time contraceptive care exploded into a range of options across a broad landscape in terms of approach and accessibility.

    May 10, 2022
  • The COVID-19 pandemic is having a surprising silver lining — it's breathing new life into the fight against HIV by accelerating the development of a new type of HIV vaccine.

    May 9, 2022
  • Christine Teague works to find clients “under the bridge and by the dumpster”. Typically, they are people who inject drugs. Often, they are unhoused. All have HIV.

    May 9, 2022
    The Guardian
  • As someone who’s 52 and has lived with HIV for more than 20 years, I have to say I’ve very much enjoyed the PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) revolution of the past decade among gay men. (To be clear, I mean some gay men—but more on that later.) Suddenly, after a lifetime of always using condoms—well, almost always—I found myself having good old-fashioned 1970s-style bareback sex with no unsexy pre-coital talk about serostatus. I’ve barely used a condom in the past 10 years. (And yes, I do get screened regularly for all those other sexually transmitted infections.)

    May 9, 2022
    The Body
  • There’s a clamor around the world to return to the pre-pandemic “normal.” In reality, though, a reset to the fall of 2019 is out of the question. Leaders at all levels, all around the globe, must apply the painful lessons learned these past three years. And that means fundamentally shifting the world’s approach to many aspects of health security.

    May 8, 2022
  • For millions of people around the world, isolation has become synonymous with COVID-19. But in the early 1990s, Fijian woman Jokapeci Cati spent six months at home, unable to face the world, amid a global pandemic of a different kind – HIV/AIDS. Just 22 years old, Ms Cati had tested positive to the virus.

    May 6, 2022
    ABC News (Australia)

Published Research
