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Media Coverage

  • Nearly 60 members of Congress are calling on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to require insurance providers to cover a cutting edge HIV prevention drug at no cost to patients.

    February 11, 2022
    The Hill
  • Future historians studying the 2020s may disagree about many things, but it is safe to assume all of them will agree that the COVID-19 pandemic was transformative. When it comes to humanity's ongoing war against infectious diseases, this pandemic accelerated development of a new vaccine platform known as mRNA technology, one that scientists believe could some day be used against everything from malaria and tuberculosis to all strains of influenza.

    February 10, 2022
  • Two recent Californian studies show that PrEP from trans-affirming clinics combined with community outreach significantly improved PrEP uptake in trans communities. A multitude of strategies were employed including peer health education, community events and flexible out-of-hours clinics. Both studies encouraged participation and leadership from trans communities to improve knowledge about PrEP.

    February 10, 2022
  • Thai Red Cross is now selling self-test kits. The kits are being sold through its AIDS Research Centre’s "Anonymous Clinic". There are two kinds of kits being sold. One test requires blood from a finger prick or orally through saliva. The finger-prick test provides a result within 30 minutes and can detect the virus within three weeks of transmission.

    February 10, 2022
    The Nation Thailand
  • Our new study, published ahead of print in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, estimates that HIV incidence in South African adults has declined by 47 percent between the start of 2010 and the start of 2019. HIV incidence, the rate at which new HIV infections occur, is an important indicator of the impact that HIV programmes are having. The halving of HIV incidence rates represents encouraging progress in South Africa’s HIV response.

    February 9, 2022
  • Even though annual deaths from AIDS are coming down – from a peak of 1.9 million in 2004 to 690,000 in 2020 - that’s still way too many. In 2020, 214,000 people with AIDS died of tuberculosis (TB), though only about 50 percent were confirmed cases while the rest were uncertain. More people probably die of fungal disease than of TB, both in the context of AIDS and generally.

    February 9, 2022
    The Conversation
  • When I was diagnosed with HIV just over 25 years ago, I was given eight years to live. HIV was tearing the gay community apart and my diagnosis was almost a relief after a decade trapped in a cycle of sex, shame, fear and regret. The situation seemed hopeless for me and for my friends. Miraculously, treatments that worked were finally found the very year of my diagnosis, meaning I’ve lived to do so many things I never thought I would. I’ve turned 40 and 50, and will turn 60 and 70.

    February 9, 2022
    The Guardian
  • Voluntary licensing via the Medicines Patent Pool, which allows generic drug companies to manufacture a drug before its patent has expired, can offer huge positive economic and health impacts, according to a modelling study in the February issue of The Lancet Public Health. It predicted that the voluntary licensing of dolutegravir in 2014 will have increased treatment uptake by 15.5 million patient-years, averted over 150,000 deaths, and saved health authorities $3.1 billion by 2032.

    February 9, 2022
  • People living with HIV in communities with universal access to HIV testing and treatment were 10 percent more likely to be employed than those receiving care according to national guidelines, a randomised study has shown. They were also 10 percent less likely to seek healthcare, 13 percent less likely to spend money on healthcare and their children were 7 percent more likely to complete primary school.

    February 8, 2022
  • Tier-2 neutralizing antibodies are required to treat the most common HIV strain. Now, the Wistar Institute reports successfully eliciting the antibody response in mice for the first time.

    February 8, 2022
    Antibody Related Research
    Contagion Live
  • America’s long-overdue reckoning with racial disparities in our public health system is a conversation that we’re finally ready to have. The devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years is fueling a generational conversation on how we build a fairer system — something those of us in the HIV and AIDS sector have been advocating for decades.

    February 7, 2022
  • People who belong to, what is referred to in HIV jargon as, key populations (KPs) including men who have sex with men (MSM), people who use drugs (PWUD), sex workers, and transgender people often report that it is difficult for them to access healthcare services. This could be for a variety of reasons, ranging from negative staff attitudes to the unavailability of services meeting the needs specific to certain groups.

    February 7, 2022
  • According to Canadian queer magazine Xtra, there are three ongoing trials, all helmed by queer scientists, looking at the antibiotic doxycycline and how it could be used to prevent sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBIs) like syphilis and chlamydia.

    February 6, 2022
  • One in five patients who are newly prescribed oral PrEP medication for HIV prevention are delayed filling their prescription by at least two weeks, according to a study titled, “Assessing Gaps in HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Initiation and Retention Using Pharmacy Claims Data,” led by Lorraine Dean, Sc.D., Dr. Amy S. Nunn, Sc.D., MS and other researchers at Johns Hopkins and Brown universities.

    February 3, 2022

Published Research
