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1 MAY 2020 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 17

Media Coverage

  • A vaccine would be the ultimate weapon against the coronavirus and the best route back to normal life. Officials like Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the top infectious disease expert on the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force, estimate a vaccine could arrive in at least 12 to 18 months.

    April 30, 2020
    New York Times
  • This year’s International AIDS Conference, better known as AIDS 2020, will include a day-long meeting on COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. The virtual conference will take place July 6-10, with the COVID sessions slated for the last day.

    April 30, 2020
  • President Trump has touted the malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as potential treatments for COVID-19, announcing the government had stockpiled 29 million pills and was sending them to labs and hospitals around the country. Yet, there is far from medical consensus that they are beneficial treatments.

    April 29, 2020
    Washington Post
  • As of the end of April, the World Health Organization was tracking 71 coronavirus vaccines in preclinical trials, with five additional candidates already in clinical trials. Given how recently the COVID-19 pandemic began spreading, it might seem promising that there’s already a lot of activity on the immunization front.

    April 29, 2020
    Huffington Post
  • In states where pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use has become more popular, HIV diagnoses have been declining in recent years, Infectious Disease Advisor reports.

    April 28, 2020
  • Amid a three-week suspension of public and private transport in Uganda due to the coronavirus, some HIV-positive Ugandans have struggled to get hold of needed antiretroviral medications. Noticing a higher risk for HIV patients with compromised immune systems, health worker Simon Bukenya jumped on his bicycle and began making home deliveries, even going long distances to do it.

    April 27, 2020
    Voice of America
  • Reflecting anecdotes circulating among (primarily) gay men nationwide, New York City–based therapist Damon L. Jacobs, LMFT, has gone off his PrEP for the first time since he started it nearly a decade ago. COVID-19—and the social distancing that has sprung up to minimize its spread, which also involves, well, sexual distancing—made him do it, he says.

    April 27, 2020
    The Body
  • Researchers have made an exciting HIV breakthrough that’s been described as a “paradigm shift” in understanding and treating the disease.

    April 26, 2020
    Pink News
  • Bill Gates says his foundation, the world’s wealthiest charity, will give its “total attention” to the Covid-19 pandemic — even at the risk that its other public health work will suffer. In a telephone interview from his Seattle base, Mr Gates said the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has an endowment of more than $40bn, would focus its resources on a pandemic which he fears will cost the global economy “tens of trillions of dollars.”

    April 26, 2020
    Financial Times
  • Research to find a cure and effective treatment for COVID-19 is well under way, with hundreds of trials already announced. But very few involve African researchers, and this is a mistake. Although Africa has yet to feel the full force of the coronavirus, preventing severe cases is a higher priority than it is elsewhere. Africa needs research that is tailored to our reality.

    April 25, 2020
    The Guardian
  • A pilot scheme that immediately rebooks and provides a reminder for an HIV retest six months later increases attendance by 25 percent.

    April 22, 2020

Published Research
