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Webinar: Oral PrEP Implementation and Implications for Next Generation PrEP

January 19, 2022

This webinar discussed insights from oral PrEP programs and how these experiences can inform faster, smarter and more affordable rollout of next-generation HIV prevention products. It featured:

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  • AVAC’s Jessica Rodrigues opened the meeting with background on PrEP uptake globally and regionally, noting that due to rapid scale-up, approximately 69 percent of cumulative PrEP initiations have now occurred in Sub-Saharan Africa. (View the slides.)
  • Saiqa Mullick of Wits RHI shared lessons from South Africa’s experience scaling up oral PrEP from 2016, when PrEP was offered only to sex workers at a handful of clinics, to 2021, with PrEP broadly available in more than 2,000 public health facilities. (View slides.)
  • Daniel Were of Jhpiego described the Jilinde Project’s successful efforts to increase demand and dismantle stigma surrounding PrEP. (View slides.)
  • Joseph Murungu of Pangaea Zimbabwe AIDS Trust (PZAT) shared a dynamic, client-centered approach to ensure that PrEP programs respond to the needs of young people. (View slides.)

Watch the recording / Read the summary