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Reflections from Durban


Monday, July 25, 2016

Throughout the week AVAC didn’t try to be comprehensive, or even objective. Our priority was to be alert, curious, sometimes critical and always committed to prevention. Observations from advocates and scientists brought exciting and sobering news from the frontlines, of which there are many, about what works and what doesn’t. Take a look at our conference diaries for what we saw, what we heard, what we learned, and how we stood up.

Reflections from Durban - Day 6 at AIDS 2016

After all the presentations, talking, and advocating, success depends less on a few days in Durban and more on a reimagined AIDS response—one that brings urgency to the major gaps in treatment, prevention, funding and human rights that we’ve just explored in so much depth for a few concentrated days in Durban. So rest up. We've got lots of work to do.

Respect the Data, Respect the People - Day 5 at AIDS 2016

We’ve rounded the corner here in Durban. With just one full day to go, we’re drilling down into the foundation of the global effort to defeat HIV, which rests on two fundamental imperatives: respect the data, respect the people.

I Bleed, I Rise - Day 4 AIDS 2016

Hello again! It’s day four of Durban week. Some folks may be starting to feel saturated with talk and facts. You may have missed lunch or a session you wanted to get to. Maybe, just maybe, you feel a little short-tempered with the conference hub-bub or the problems of the world, but a source of fresh energy coalesced on today with a galvanizing message: I bleed, I rise.

The Vagina Dialogues - Day 3 at AIDS 2016

At its best, today's dialogue was led by and for women and centered on rights, realities and engaged discussion on the whole body, from head to toe and heart to mind. In some fascinating sessions, the vagina seized center stage and all but lost the head and heart that go with it. Today, in our update, we’ll try to put the pieces together and so, of course, the theme is: The Vagina Dialogues.

Long Waits and Long Queues: Hurry Up! - Day 2 at AIDS 2016

It’s Day 2 of the daily updates... and the conference has just barely begun with the official opening on Monday evening. Not everything is in motion, though. Long queues to undergo security screening are keeping people standing in place or, at best, shuffling along. The security lines do have an upside though... they’ve provided our theme for today: Hurry up!

Magical Thinking and Surge Pricing - Day 1 at AIDS 2016

The streets in and around the International Conference Center in Durban are thronged with badge-wearing delegates, the Uber taxi prices are surging, and there are already piles of publications scattered across the floor of some of the session rooms where the pre-conferences have taken place. And all this means that there are already things to report, even though the official meeting only starts tomorrow.

More on AIDS 2016

For even more about AIDS 2016 and additional resources, visit