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Reclaiming the Meaning of Choice


Jeanne Baron
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

This week we are reminded of the importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights as we marked World Contraception Day (Sept. 26) and International Safe Abortion Day (Sept. 28). All of our voices must be heard to protect and expand access to real choices for everyone who needs them. Especially when it comes to sexual health, which is so often stigmatized and often profoundly under threat.

At AVAC, we are thinking about how to be a champion for choice. Wherever our work takes us. Here are a couple of things we are working on and we invite you to be a part of.

The idea of reclaiming choice played a major role in the International AIDS Conference this year, especially around the dapivirine vaginal ring (DVR) and the dual prevention pill (DPP)—both of which could improve the landscape of prevention for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) and pregnant and lactating populations (PLP). Get updates on both the ring and DPP in these webinars:

Private Sector Delivery Opportunities for the Dual Prevention Pill (DPP): Lessons from family planning (FP) for the introduction of multi-purpose prevention technologies (MPTs)

Wednesday, October 12 at 7:30am ET

AVAC and FP2030 will explore new findings on private sector opportunities for the DPP in Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe. With anticipated rollout of the DPP just two years away, planning for where to introduce the DPP in the private sector will be critical for ensuring access, but will hinge on where PrEP delivery is already permitted. Learn more about the webinar and register here.

The Choice Agenda hosted a conversation around the latest in DVR advocacy last week: RINGing the Bell for Choice: Actions and Solutions on Dapivirine Ring Access.Watch the webinar, explore up-to-date resources on DVR hereexplore up-to-date resources on DVR here, and sign-up for The Choice Agenda listserv (a growing community of over 700 prevention advocates and counting).

And save the date for:

Doxycycline for STI prevention: Evidence and Current Research

Webinar: Friday, October 7, 2022 at 10:00AM ET

Join The Choice Agenda for the latest scientific data and discussion around a new STI prevention strategy, doxycycline as post-exposure prophylaxis (dPEP) to reduce chlamydia, syphilis, and possibly gonorrhea. Join us to hear the implications for policy and program. Register here.