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Ready Or Not, R4P Starts This Weekend


Friday, October 19, 2018

Last week, we talked about some sessions we are looking forward to at next week’s HIV Research for Prevention 2018 conference in Madrid. We also included information on how to follow your favorite prevention issue, whether in-person or from afar. This week, we’re sharing more details on programming and spaces for advocates!

Find continuing support for your advocacy and expand your knowledge of critical issues at the Advocates’ Corner (AC), found by the Estrasbrugo Room. The AC will be open throughout the conference, and in addition to the materials displays and opportunities for informal networking and fun games, the Advocates' Corner will play host to a program of activities scheduled during breaks in the conference program. Don’t forget to pick up a hard copy of the new AVAC Report—No Prevention, No End—hot off the press!

You can download the full Advocates’ Corner program here—and please join us on Monday afternoon at 15:00 for a welcome reception!

To help plan the rest of your time in Madrid, download this roadmap of conference sessions and satellites, which is sortable by intervention.

And, as always, look for real-time updates from AVAC’s Twitter feed and updates from the Advocates’ Network for the latest on the research and the complex work of implementing the tools that exist today.

The entire program for R4P is available here. If you are tuning in remotely, there are webcasts from current and past conferences.

Here’s to the work ahead in Madrid and afterward!