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New Film Series Captures Activists United by Urgency for HIV Prevention in Europe


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

In January 2016, the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) and AVAC jointly convened the Second European HIV Prevention Summit in Brussels. This unique meeting brought pharmaceutical companies, public health experts, academics and leading scientists in the field of prevention research together with over 50 European community-based advocates for three days of information exchange and debate.

Participants discussed the latest scientific and policy developments in the field of HIV prevention and formulated demands for researchers, medicine manufacturers and decision makers. The community urged concerted action and clear financial and political commitment to achieve effective prevention of HIV/AIDS in Europe. Specifically, the Summit called for the accelerated approval and rollout of PrEP in countries across the region, following France’s recent example as the first and only in Europe to officially implement and fund PrEP programs for men and women at substantial risk of HIV. The meeting also concluded with a call for the continuation of research for HIV vaccines, and rectal and vaginal microbicides, along with better systems for tracking the epidemic, including where new cases occur and where and how access is happening.

The packed agenda of the European HIV Prevention Summit included detailed reports on and discussions about groups of people at highest risk of HIV across Europe, including gay men, trans people, sex workers, people who inject drugs, migrants and the African diaspora. Timely information from completed, on-going and planned PrEP implementation studies was presented along with new civil society initiatives to provide PrEP and other prevention tools to those who need it. For a rare moment, stakeholders involved in the field of HIV prevention could gather in a space to exchange scientifically sound and politically meaningful ideas about way of slowing down the HIV epidemic in Europe.

In order to make the meeting accessible to those who were unable to attend in person, EATG and AVAC commissioned a three-part video series designed to give an overview of the main topics of the meeting: PrEP, Testing & Treatment, and the Future of HIV Prevention. The first of these films, focusing on PrEP, is now available here. The meeting report is also available for download.