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Evidence for PrEP builds


Friday, November 7, 2014

Over the last few weeks the PrEP for HIV prevention field has been boosted by positive news from two ongoing research studies in Europe: PROUD and IPERGAY. In each study, use of TDF/FTC (brand name Truvada) for PrEP reduced risk of HIV acquisition. The exact numbers behind the recent announcements are not yet available (in each case the data was reviewed by the trial’s independent data safety and monitoring board and will not be available more widely until published or presented, which is expected in early 2015 for both), but daily and “on-demand” (taken before and after sex) TDF/FTC as PrEP were effective at reducing risk in gay men and other men who have sex with men.

A lot has been written about these promising advances and what the announcements mean for regulatory approvals and PrEP access in Europe, the effectiveness of “on-demand” versus daily PrEP and the mounting evidence of PrEP’s utility as an important HIV prevention option. editor and long-time writer and activist Gus Cairns penned a piece for Huffington Post, D-day for the Pill for HIV, noting how these two studies and their show of PrEP effectiveness together mark a turning point in HIV prevention. His cogent analysis is a must-read. 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that the trial announcements are “encouraging” and that they look forward to seeing trial data for more information, particularly from IPERGAY, on dosing and timing required for protection. 

From the HIV R4P conference “live blog”, Emily Bass writes on PrEP for a New Era, describing the new data and the energy around PrEP exhibited at the conference.

PROUD study team statement is available here and the ANRS’ statement on IPERGAY is here.

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