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Community Engagement and HIV Prevention Research


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

This December, Px Pulse features a gripping, tripartite conversation between activists Morenike Giwa-Onaiwu, Stacey Hannah and Jeremiah Johnson about what their long histories fighting for community engagement in HIV prevention research have taught them, and how these lessons can be applied today, and in the future. Tune in to hear three fierce voices with fresh perspectives on how to continue designing trials, and engaging communities, in today’s landscape of expanded, but inadequate, prevention choices.

With daily oral PrEP, VMMC, partner testing and treatment that leads to virologic suppression available as potent biomedical tools, along with condoms and a range of other structural interventions, clinical trials of biomedical HIV prevention strategies to block sexual transmission are more complex, in terms of design and conduct, than ever before.

Listen to this episode of Px Pulse on iTunes or at to learn why this conversation is at a critical moment and how to manage the opportunities for an innovative and collaborative effort with the research community.

Also, in case you missed it, check out the latest issue of Px Wire, which is hot off the presses. Our year-end edition offers 10 questions for activists to galvanize their work in the year ahead. We consider the future of NIH funding for HIV prevention and its research priorities, anticipated results from the ECHO trial, what’s next for the dapivirine ring and much more! The centerspread visualizes a single time frame for trial results and critical targets for incidence reduction and scale up of primary prevention-an essential perspective for the work ahead.

Finally, please don’t forget, your support makes our work possible. Help us continue with a year-end donation at You can also use for your online shopping and select AVAC as your charity of choice. A portion of your purchase price is donated to AVAC—at no additional cost to you!

Happy listening and reading, and happiest of holidays!