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AVAC's Blog: P-Values

  • When the Obama administration released first US National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) in 2010 it was an overdue step forward and the product of years of advocacy. How could the US—with the eighth highest number of people living with HIV (PLWA)—have no strategy for getting more PLWA into care and reducing infections and health disparities? Now on the fifth anniversary of the first NHAS, it's getting a reboot.
    July 30, 2015
    Kevin Fisher
  • Adherence is critical, so is saying what that actually is: sticking to the plan. And going forward, it’s not just adherence by people living with HIV or people at risk who receive PrEP—it’s also adherence by the global leaders who promise so much at these meetings and hear so much and present so much of what might be possible, if only action is taken.
    July 23, 2015
    Emily Bass
  • Several members of the AVAC team attended the meeting of the International AIDS Society in Vancouver. Along the way we presented our "take" on key conference events. Click for a roundup of our blog posts and for a recording of a webinar focused on the conference.
    July 23, 2015
  • Amid the excitement in Vancouver over the START and PrEP results, conference-goers did hear several specific updates on progress in HIV vaccines. Here are a few highlights advocates seeking to track the vaccine field should check out.

    July 23, 2015
  • AIDS is inextricably linked to inequitable distribution of resources—money, medications, legal protections, education and more. AIDS activism has long been dedicated to redistribution of all of the above in ways that would make the world a more just place. But does this extend to actually giving people money or other compensation (a gift card, food and so on to change their behavior or get circumcised or keep coming to their clinic visits?)

    July 22, 2015
  • The AVAC Twitter feed has been alight over the last several days as the team tries to capture, in 140 characters, some of the key findings and messages coming out of IAS 2015. A quick search of #IAS2015 shows the range of topics covered over days of concurrent sessions running morning to night.

    July 22, 2015
  • It speaks volumes about the, well, volumes of PrEP data emerging from the International AIDS Society meeting in Vancouver that we can’t even try to summarize all the findings here in P-Values. Excellent round-ups can be found on the NAM website and you can access some of the PrEP sessions online. In this post, we offer up a birds-eye view of what is known and what is anticipated in the coming weeks and months.

    July 22, 2015
  • A young woman is in remission from HIV, despite not having taken drugs for 12 years. Her case, along with other “cures” reported by the media, has researchers and community groups pushing for the term “remission” to be used since there are no scientifically proven tests to determine whether an individual’s HIV will return.

    July 21, 2015
    Jessica Handibode
  • “Science has delivered solutions. The question is: When will we put it into practice?” So says the last line of the Vancouver Consensus Statement, a stirring call for expanding access to antiretrovirals for treatment and prevention as part of a comprehensive response to AIDS. AVAC signed the statement, released at the start of this year’s conference of the International AIDS Society. And we firmly believe in the contents of the statement.

    July 21, 2015
  • Advocates tracking the pace and coverage of voluntary medical male circumcision have a new, concise resource in the form of a two-page "progress brief" from the World Health Organization.

    July 20, 2015
