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AVAC's Blog: P-Values

  • AVAC welcomes today’s opinion from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) that recommends the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring as an additional HIV prevention option for cisgender women 18 and older. The EMA action moves a much-needed woman-initiated HIV prevention option one step closer to reaching women who need it.

    July 24, 2020
  • Welcome to the first in a periodic series of “COVID Action Alerts” from AVAC—these alerts are for HIV advocates whose expertise, interests, skills and voices are needed to influence and expedite an ethical, equitable and effective COVID-19 pandemic response. To start, we highlight emergent vaccine trial design issues, and the need to learn from history and apply best practices as the search for a COVID-19 vaccine proceeds with unprecedented speed.

    July 21, 2020
  • As community-based organizations that work to promote scientific research literacy and broaden informed participation in clinical trials, we are concerned that proponents of human challenge studies fail to appreciate the potential to exacerbate mistrust of science.

    July 17, 2020
  • AVAC is pleased to offer a new advocates’ guide to long-acting injectable PrEP, a new prevention strategy that’s shown benefit in some populations and generated a lot of buzz recently. Want to know what’s known and unknown, who should do what, and what you can do? Click here to read Understanding the Results of HPTN 083.

    July 15, 2020
  • AVAC welcomes new, additional data that shows an injectable antiretroviral for HIV PrEP is safe and highly effective in reducing HIV risk cisgender men and transgender women who have sex with men.

    July 7, 2020
  • There has never been an AIDS conference like the one currently underway this week—AIDS 2020 Virtual. As a global collective of people concerned with HIV, we also check the daily updates on COVID-19. Both demand real, urgent solutions. Here is AVAC’s take from the early sessions of AIDS 2020 Virtual and the actions that can make a difference right now, and in the future.

    July 7, 2020
  • AVAC, Health GAP and the Treatment Action Group (TAG) strongly condemn the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO). Today’s announcement formalizing the President’s threats from earlier this year is short-sighted and dangerous, and will cost more lives and deepen economic devastation in the United States and around the world, which are already reeling from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

    July 7, 2020
    Treatment Action Group
    Health GAP
  • In the time before COVID-19, many people would have been heading to the Bay Area in the US for AIDS2020 and to Mexico City for HIV2020. Now, both conferences are virtual. Read on for highlights and ways to navigate AIDS2020 Virtual, and stay tuned for other updates on HIV2020.

    July 1, 2020
  • The stories are coming from Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and elsewhere—people struggling to get treatment for chronic illness, failed attempts to refill ARVs and key prevention commodities, high numbers reporting they can’t get to the clinic, informal groups coming together to find and deliver medication. These are pictures of communities in lockdown from COVID-19, facing the consequences to public health.

    June 12, 2020
  • This 10-week interactive and online course will help researchers and clinical trial stakeholder to apply the Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Guidelines in their unique settings. In this unprecedented time, sustaining effective partnerships is more crucial than ever before. This course provides a personalized learning experience, global knowledge, tools to advance GPP implementation in diverse contexts and access to GPP experts and professional networks.

    June 12, 2020
