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AVAC's Blog: P-Values

  • This story is part of a series of reports from the ongoing POWER Study, which is developing cost-effective and scalable models for PrEP delivery in Kenya and South Africa. AVAC and the University of Washington have teamed up to help answer questions from implementers rolling out PrEP in a variety of settings. Using qualitative stories from the UW PrEP projects, these blogs share lessons learned from the field and actionable insights for implementers developing strategies for delivering PrEP.

    September 12, 2018
    Jeanne Baron
  • At the IMPT, we reflect on how to work with partners to improve sexual health across the globe. There are many things that could be done. We see multipurpose prevention technologies (MPTs) to be one such promising strategy with the potential to improve the sexual health – and lives – of women and their families across the globe.

    September 4, 2018
    Fatima Riaz
    Kathryn Stewart
  • The August episode of Px Pulse is waiting for you! In this episode, featuring Ambassador Deborah Birx, we take a look at one area of great importance that was center stage at the AIDS 2018 conference in Amsterdam: primary prevention.

    August 29, 2018
  • Maureen Luba, AVAC's African Regional Advocacy Advisor, reflects on the recognition of community voices at the recent AIDS 2018 conference.

    August 3, 2018
    Maureen Luba
  • From both the human rights and biomedical perspective, the AIDS response is largely missing the boat on combination prevention, with sloppy definitions, inadequate funding and poor adaptation of evidence.

    July 26, 2018
    Emily Bass
  • As the International AIDS Conference gets underway, AVAC is here with a look at what’s happened so far, what’s ahead and a reminder of the ways you can track the developments whether you are in Amsterdam or following from afar.

    July 23, 2018
    Emily Bass
  • Consider applying to be a 2019 Advocacy Fellow and join the 63 Fellows and alumni of the program! We are looking for innovative and bold people and ideas to influence and improve how HIV prevention research happens or how new biomedical interventions are rolled out.

    July 18, 2018
  • Welcome to the first in a series of AVAC updates ahead of and during the 22nd International AIDS Conference, which will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 23–27.

    July 11, 2018
  • The June episode of Px Pulse is up! In this episode, researchers and advocates debate the rationale, risks and ethics of interrupting treatment as part of cure research. This is known as analytic treatment interruption or ATI.

    June 28, 2018
  • Journalists and scientists need each other if the public is going to understand the importance of research and support it. To bridge this gap, AVAC has conducted workshops for editors, scientists and civil society.

    June 20, 2018
    Angelo Kaggwa-Katumba
    Kay Marshall
