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Anticipating and Understanding Results

The Anticipating and Understanding Results series provides timely analysis of emerging or recently-announced trial results. Past publications in the series have explored the trials of male circumcision for HIV prevention, pre-exposure prophylaxis and the Thai prime-boost vaccine efficacy trial.

report coverUnderstanding Results of the AMP Trials
The AMP trials evaluated the ability of a broadly neutralizing antibody (bNAb), called VRC01, to protect against HIV. The trials showed that VRC01 did not reduce the overall risk of acquiring HIV. However, VRC01 protected some individuals from infection by HIV viruses that were particularly vulnerable or “sensitive” to the antibody.

An Advocates' Primer on Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir for PrEP
April 2021
In May and July 2020, the world learned new data from HPTN 083, a study of long-acting injectable cabotegravir (CAB-LA) for HIV prevention. This report summarizes the findings, unanswered questions and next steps for the development and introduction of CAB-LA.

Understanding the EMA Opinion and Next Steps for the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring
July 2020
On July 24, 2020, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced a positive regulatory opinion from on the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring as an HIV prevention option for cisgender women age 18 and older. This document helps advocates to understand the steps that can and must be taken now that the EMA has provided its opinion.

Understanding the Results of the ECHO Study
February 2020
A comprehensive guide to interpreting the results of the ECHO Study. Includes concise information on the study's background, design and results, and a full section on next steps such as the WHO process for updating its guidance and what advocates can do to get involved.

Volume 2: Understanding the results of CAPRISA 004
August 2010
This document is volume two in AVAC’s Cascade of Hope and Questions series focused on ARV-based prevention. It provides key context for next steps regarding the development of the microbicide 1% tenofovir gel tested in CAPRSIA 004 and describes many of the issues that advocates should be monitoring and engaging with in the months to come. CAPRISA 004 is the landmark trial of the microbicide 1% tenofovir gel, the results of which were released in July 2010. It found that 1% tenofovir gel reduced HIV-negative women’s risk of HIV infection by an estimated 39 percent overall.

Volume 1: Anticipating results of ARV-based HIV prevention trials
July 2010
A new document in our Anticipating Results series, which is designed to help advocates prepare for the issues raised by impending results from different biomedical HIV prevention trials. This new document focuses on preparing for data from trials of ARV-based prevention strategies, starting with the results of CAPRISA 004—an effectiveness study of a 1% tenofovir gel microbicide—which were announced next week at (an updated version based on new data is coming shortly).

Anticipating the Results of the Phase III AIDS Vaccine Trial in Thailand
September 2009
Anticipating the Results of the Phase III AIDS Vaccine Trial in Thailand, was designed to help advocates prepare in advance for the initial announcement. The report is available in English and Thai. AVAC will be providing an updated and expanded version of this report that includes the trial data.

Anticipating the Results of PrEP Trials: A powerful new HIV prevention tool may be on the horizon. Are we prepared?
August 2008
This report provides background on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) research, the status of current clinical trials, and issues concerning effective delivery should PrEP prove effective. It closes with a list of priority issues that need attention now from governments, global health institutions, donors, researchers, and advocates. This report is also available in Spanish.

A New Way to Protect Against HIV? Understanding the Results of Male Circumcision Studies for HIV Prevention
September 2007
This document is designed to help prevention advocates understand the ramifications of findings from studies of male circumcision for HIV prevention, and to explore the opportunities and challenges associated with implementation.

Female-Initiated HIV Prevention: What will we learn from upcoming trials?
July 2007
This document is designed to help HIV prevention advocates understand the implications of findings from two studies of female-initiated HIV prevention methods. These large-scale efficacy trials are the first of this kind to be brought through scheduled completion.