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July-September 2022, Volume 12, Number 2 (PDF, HTML)
PrEP Tracker data, preparing for new products, the HIV prevention pipeline and our prevention playlist. All that and more in the latest issue of PxWire.
April-June 2022, Volume 12, Number 1 (PDF)
Newly relaunched, PxWire is AVAC’s quarterly update covering the latest in the field of biomedical HIV prevention research and development, implementation and advocacy. Download for a quick look at where we are in HIV prevention.
April-June 2018, Volume 11, Number 2 (PDF, HTML)
In this issue, AVAC gives our take on this year’s PEPFAR process for establishing the Country Operational Plans (COPs). These plans define what work will be done with PEPFAR money at the country level and how that work will be evaluated in each of the 63 countries that receive PEPFAR money.
January-March 2018, Volume 11, Number 1 (PDF, HTML)
In this issue of Px Wire, we take a hard look at a host of major milestones coming up toward ambitious global targets for ending the epidemic. We also include detailed infographics on showing the status of oral PrEP rollout in the countries where trial sites are located, explaining the demographics of Africa's "youth bulge" and its implications for the global response and more.
October-December 2017, Volume 10, Number 4 (PDF, HTML)
In Px Wire, we preview part of the AVAC Report 2017, which includes a set of recommendations and priorities that keep funding and research crossing-cutting, strategic and responsive to people’s real-world needs. Our infographic provides a visual history of the DAIDS Networks and a look at what’s proposed for the next funding cycle.
July-September 2017, Volume 10, Number 3 (PDF, HTML)
Check out this issue for a deep dive into the data that suggest men who have sex with men may be able protected by oral PrEP, even if they don’t dose every day—and for the reasons why these data do not apply to women. You’ll also find out why messages about global AIDS are on our mind—and what we’d change about the current global conversation.
April-May 2017, Volume 10, Number 2 (PDF, HTML)
This issue of Px Wire offers an advocate’s guide to some new types of biomedical prevention trial designs. You’ll find a summary of long-acting PrEP trials, a lexicon of key terms for the "post-placebo era", and a handy illustration for looking smart while you explain "double-dummy double-blind".
January-March 2017, Volume 10, Number 1 (PDF, HTML)
This issue of looks ahead at a host of issues we are watching in 2017. Will oral PrEP guidelines translate into programs and will programs meet people’s needs? What progress can we expect from studies on the dapivirine vaginal ring, various vaccine candidates or on broadly neutralizing antibodies, which are garnering so much press attention of late? (Note: The centerspread has been updated.
Click here for the latest version.)
October-December 2016, Volume 9, Number 4
The theme of this year’s World AIDS Day captures the spirit: Hands Up for HIV Prevention. At AVAC, we’re delighted to see the focus on this critical area of the global response. In this issue of Px Wire provides specifics on some hot topics for advocacy before, on and after World AIDS Day.
July-September 2016, Volume 9, Number 3 (PDF, HTML)
The International AIDS Conference in Durban was a reminder of how important the meeting can be in framing global issues and priorities. This issue of Px Wire offers a look at how the Durban wrap-up catapults us into the future.
April-June 2016, Volume 9, Number 2 (PDF, HTML)
This issue of Px Wire is an advocate's guide to the past, present and future of the dapivirine ring for HIV prevention. It features a timeline of key milestones, a simple Q & A, and a closer look at where sub-Saharan African women will have access to daily oral PrEP and/or the Ring via open-label extension studies.
January-March 2016, Volume 9, Number 1 (PDF, HTML)
With this issue we survey the year ahead and write about what to watch for in 2016. In our centerspread we update our timeline of biomedical HIV prevention research.
October-December 2015, Volume 8, Number 4 (PDF, HTML)
In this issue of Px Wire, we decipher the strengths and limitations of the multiple recent developments impacting HIV prevention: new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals. What does each development mean, and how do advocates tailor their advocacy accordingly?
July-September 2015, Volume 8, Number 3 (PDF, HTML)
Here we look back at the historic International AIDS Conference that took place in Durban, South Africa, in 2000, how far we’ve come in the response today—and how much further we still need to go. In the centerspread, we again look backwards and forward, at the conferences that took place in Vancouver and Durban in 1996 and 2000 and will again this year and the next.
April-June 2015, Volume 8, Number 2 (PDF, HTML)
In this issue we cover how the WHO is approaching broader guidance on oral PrEP and take a closer look at passive immunization, an expanding area of research reffing to the administration of laboratory-generated antibodies. Our centerspread also provides a quick primer on passive immunization with HIV-specific antibodies, long-acting antiretroviral injectables, and preventive vaccines. This includes a new, informative table reviewing the pipelines in research and development for all three research avenues.
January-March 2015, Volume 8, Number 1 (PDF, HTML)
Welcome to 2015! Wondering where to put your attention and advocacy energy for the next 12 months? We don’t presume to have all the answers, but our new issue of Px Wire includes a highly selective list of ten issues, events and developments to hold attention and spark actions in 2015—and beyond.
October-December 2014, Volume 7, Number 4
Px Wire is AVAC's quarterly update covering the latest in the field of biomedical HIV prevention research, implementation and advocacy. In this issue, we offer a selective “state of the union” update on various areas of the prevention field—highlighting key developments, messages and areas of work that warrant particular joint attention at the first HIV Research for Prevention (HIV R4P) conference and beyond.
July-September 2014, Volume 7, Number 3
This issue of Px Wire comes out on the eve of the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia—and we begin with “AVAC’s Take” on key messages and commitments to look for at and after the meeting. We also call for more PrEP demonstration projects and provide an update of the proposed ECHO trial.
April-June 2014, Volume 7, Number 2
This issue reviews the research on long-acting injectable antiretrovirals for treatment in HIV-positive people and PrEP in HIV-negative people. This issue also explores progress in implementing oral PrEP in the nearly 24 months since the US Food and Drug Administration approved daily oral TDF/FTC (Truvada) as PrEP.
January-March 2014, Volume 7, Number 1
In this issue of Px Wire, AVAC applauds the nomination of Dr. Debbi Birx as the new US Global AIDS Coordinator. Highlights of this issue also include an examination of why the global systems for tracking voluntary medical male circumcision are lagging behind the actual progress that’s being made—and discusses ways to close this critical data gap. This issue also reviews a recent setback in cure research and what it means for next steps. The centerspread lays out the “research-to-rollout” continuum of steps between initial evaluations of a novel concept for HIV prevention and the ultimate introduction of new tool offered in an effective public health program.
October-December 2013, Volume 6, Number 4
This issue reports on a recent think tank meeting on therapeutic HIV vaccines—these vaccines would attempt to control or eliminate the virus by prompting immune responses in HIV-positive people. Also in this issue is a brief report on the recent NIAID "mini-summit" on adenovirus platforms for HIV vaccines. The centerspread examines one way to measure the progress in fighting AIDS—comparing the number of new HIV infections with the increase in patients receiving antiretroviral treatment over a given time period.
July-September 2013, Volume 6, Number 3
This quarter, Px Wire highlights three recent developments in the field and key issues for each: the World Health Organization (WHO) prequalification of PrePex, a nonsurgical voluntary medical male circumcision device; the positive result from the study of daily oral tenofovir as PrEP for HIV prevention in people who inject drugs; and new WHO guidelines on the use of ARVs, which recommend antiretroviral treatment for all HIV-positive people with CD4 cell counts of 500 or below. This issue's centerspread features data compiled by the HIV Vaccines & Microbicides Resource Tracking Working Group (RTWG), led by AVAC.
April-June 2013, Volume 6, Number 2
The new issue of Px Wire highlights the adherence issues raised by the VOICE trial results and introduces a tool created to help civil society influence PEPFAR annual Country Operational Plans. The centerspread showcases the ARV-based HIV prevention pipeline from pre-clinical research to implementation projects.
January-March 2013, Volume 6, Number 1
This issue reviews the recent AVAC Advocacy Partners' Forum, where partners from across sub-Saharan Africa and beyond met and discussed goals for the year ahead. This issue also covers some key content and messages from the PEPFAR Blueprint. Finally, a new graphic is presented as the centerspread, adapted from Report 2012, identifying five top advocacy priorities for 2013.
October-December 2012, Volume 5, Number 4
In this issue of Px Wire features an advocates’ guide to the “sieve analysis” from the RV144 vaccine trial. This latest follow-up investigation provided further detail about the partial protection associated with the vaccine strategy. This issue also updates readers with the latest on trials of ARV-containing vaginal rings—the next frontier in microbicide development. The centerspread includes key graphics and captions from Investing to End the AIDS Epidemic: A New Era for HIV Prevention Research and Development.
July-September 2012, Volume 5, Number 3
As this issue of Px Wire went to press, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its approval of daily oral TDF/FTC for PrEP. The issue reviews global PrEP developments and presents an infographic summarizing progress towards beginning to end the AIDS epidemic. Also included is a list of prevention research-related sessions at AIDS 2012.
April-June 2012, Volume 5, Number 2
Highlights from this issue include a newly debuted research timeline: “ARV-based Prevention for HIV Negative Adults.” The timeline charts the time-to-approval trajectory, showing efficacy trials, related confirmatory studies and dates of possible regulatory submission for a range of prevention options including oral PrEP with TDF, oral PrEP with TDF/FTC, vaginal and rectal formulations of tenofovir gel and the dapivirine-containing vaginal ring.
January-March 2012, Volume 5, Number 1
Ten key outcomes to pursue in order to make progress in beginning to end the AIDS epidemic are identified in this issue. This issue also covers Gilead Science’s submission to the FDA for a label change for TDF/FTC (brand name Truvada); the closure of the 1% tenofovir gel arm of the VOICE trial; new trials launched this quarter; the first meeting of Project ARM (Africa for Rectal Microbicides).
October-December 2011, Volume 4, Number 4
This issue includes updates on what will come next for the AIDS vaccine regimen that showed modest efficacy in the trial known as RV144; the recent VOICE trial modification; progress in demonstration projects, public health guidance and regulatory decision-making around PrEP in the United States; also included, in addition to its usual features—a map of ongoing prevention trials and a timeline of efficacy trial results worldwide—is a new table of early-phase studies of ARV-based prevention strategies for HIV-negative people.
July-September 2011, Volume 4, Number 3
This edition of Px Wire includes a feature on the new momentum to end the AIDS epidemic in light of the recent HPTN 052 results; an exploration of the progress in AIDS vaccine research and the need for evolving trial designs to accommodate new trial results such as those from HPTN 052 and iPrEx; and, as always, a centerspread with an updated timeline of biomedical HIV prevention efficacy trials and a world map showing where various strategies are being tested.
April-June 2011, Volume 4, Number 2
Highlights in this issue include a feature on new momentum to end the AIDS epidemic in light of the new HPTN 052 results showing that early ARV treatment is highly protective against transmitting HIV to one’s sexual partner. This issue also includes an abbreviated roadmap highlighting sessions on the latest biomedical prevention updates at the upcoming 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention. As appears each quarter, this issue includes a center foldout poster with an updated comprehensive timeline of efficacy trials of new biomedical HIV prevention worldwide and a world map showing where various strategies are being tested.
January-March 2011, Volume 4, Number 1
This issue of Px Wire takes inventory of the regulatory, trial-planning and scientific agenda-setting steps that are being taken with respect to recent positive trial results. It reviews ongoing and proposed next steps that have been triggered by the Thai prime-boost AIDS vaccine trial, the CAPRISA 004 microbicide trial and the iPrEx trial of once-daily TDF/FTC for pre-exposure prophylaxis.
October-December 2010, Volume 3, Number 4
Highlights in this issue include an update of the ongoing discussions around the follow-up of the CAPRISA 004 trial finding that 1% tenofovir gel reduces a women's risk of acquiring HIV by 39 percent overall and asks follow-up questions. What additional trials are being considered and why? Who will map the next steps? This issue also touches on the increasing discussions of "treatment as prevention" in reference to the possible use of antiretroviral treatment to reduce the risk of HIV transmission.
July-September 2010, Volume 3, Number 3
This issue includes a brief review of highlights from the biannual International Microbicides Conference (M2010) held in May, including discussions of the potential opportunities and challenges of ARV-based prevention in topical and oral forms, new developments in delivery systems for microbicides and increasing recognition of rectal microbicides as a key area for exploration. This issue also covers what to expect with the forthcoming results of CAPRISA 004.
April-June 2010, Volume 3, Number 2
Highlights in this issue include: next steps in AIDS vaccine trials in the post-Thai vaccine trial (RV144) era; “test and treat” approach for prevention presented at CROI; a preview of AVAC Report 2010; information on the Microbicides 2010 Pre-Conference Advocacy Workshop; new funding for advocacy related to MSM and prevention research; six new clinical trials looking at enhanced prevention strategies.
January-March 2010, Volume 3, Number 1
Highlights in this issue of Px Wire include updates on: the results from MDP 301, a trial of the microbicide PRO 2000, which lay to rest its prospect as a viable microbicide; CDC’s newly modified PrEP trial (TDF2 in Botswana), which changed its status as an efficacy trial to a safety and behavioral study; the evolving effort to understand the Thai prime-boost AIDS vaccine results; recent NIH grants that nearly double global spending on rectal microbicides; and a timeline of 2010 trial milestones—what trial results are expected and what new studies are scheduled to commence?
July-September 2009, Volume 2, Number 3
In addition to its usual features—a map of ongoing prevention trials and a timeline of efficacy trial results worldwide—this issue is designed to provide background and perspectives on some of the key issues and questions that have emerged as work around understanding and interpreting the results of the Thai trial moves forward.
April-June 2009, Volume 2, Number 2
This issue features multiple trial updates, including a review of the key findings from a trial of HSV-2 suppression. There's also a discussion of the results of the HPTN 035 microbicide trial (which tested PRO 2000 and BufferGel) and preparations for the upcoming results of MDP 301, also testing PRO 2000 gel. Additionally, this issue provides information on new trials including HVTN 505 (described in this year's first issue of Px Wire), which began screening participants in June, a new trial on intermittent PrEP scheduled to begin in July, and research to test a nipple shield to help prevent HIV transmission during breastfeeding.
January-March 2009, Volume 2, Number 1
Highlights in this issue of Px Wire include a report on data from the Step vaccine trial and animal studies of relevance to the proposed HVTN 505 trial of the NIH Vaccine Research Center DNA-Ad5 combination strategy presented at the Keystone Symposium on HIV prevention--an annual meeting focused on basic and preclinical science. This issue also reviews newly launched trials, lays out this year's upcoming trial milestones, and gives information on ordering the 2009 AVAC report on the prevention research field, to be released in May.
October-December 2008, Volume 1, Number 4
In this year-end issue, you'll find AVAC's take on the year in prevention research, an update on the proposed AIDS vaccine trial HVTN 505, news on the female condom and microbicide trials and, as always, a freshly updated global map of ongoing efficacy and effectiveness trials, and a comprehensive timeline of biomedical HIV prevention efficacy trials.
July-September 2008, Volume 1, Number 3
Highlights in this issue of Px Wire include a discussion of the no-go decision on the proposed PAVE 100 vaccine trial (though the candidate may yet be tested), updates on women's input into male circumcision for HIV prevention, and AVAC's take on indelible moments and themes from the International AIDS Conference in Mexico City in August.
April-June 2008, Volume 1, Number 2 / Abril-Junio 2008, Vol 1. No 2 (en español)
Highlights in this issue of Px Wire include an update on the ongoing discussion regarding the proposed PAVE 100 vaccine trial, details on the first microbicide trial in pregnant women, a Mexico City preview, and notes on two recently released resources for the field, AVAC Report 2008: The Search Must Continue and the Global Campaign for Microbicides' Microbicides Essentials online learning tool.
January-March 2008, Volume 1, Number 1
This is the first issue of our new quarterly, Px Wire, which tracks key developments in the field of HIV prevention research, including the launch of new trials, results of ongoing studies, and an up-to-date tally of trials going on worldwide. Px Wire is designed to complement AVAC's other publications and to help advocates stay on top of the ever-changing field of HIV prevention research. It is the first one-stop source for information on the full range of HIV prevention research going on worldwide, including vaccines, microbicides, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), herpes simplex virus-2 treatment, male circumcision, cervical barrier methods, and partner treatment.