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AVAC's Blog: P-Values

  • The annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) is kicking off in Seattle. This year’s program covers a range of topics of interest to advocates including new data on basic science, a look at clinical trial design, planning to end the epidemic in New York, applying good participatory practices in research, understanding HIV and substance use and more.

    February 10, 2017
  • There has been lots of discussion about the different PrEP guidelines with respect to how long it takes women to get protection with oral PrEP. This webinar included pharmacologists who have studied drug levels in the blood and tissue of PrEP users, followed by a question and answer period.

    February 7, 2017
  • AVAC is delighted to announce the 2017 AVAC Advocacy Fellows—the eighth class of Fellows selected from a pool of over 100 applicants from 20 countries in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. Please join us in congratulating these seven talented advocates.

    February 2, 2017
  • has a host of new resources providing concise updates, informed perspective and handy tools. Take a look at the highlights below and get up to speed on a range of strategic issues.

    January 31, 2017
    Antibody Related Research, HIV Vaccine, General, PrEP, Treatment
  • Progress and justice for women and girls has come under attack by the new US administration via the reinstatement and proposed expansion of the Global Gag Rule, also known as the Mexico City policy. We are writing as the AVAC team to share with our allies, of all genders, that we will not cease fighting for bodily autonomy, for justice, for choice and voice for women and girls.

    January 27, 2017
  • 2017 promises to be a year of big changes, but how the political winds will touch the field of HIV is still unknown. Amidst the uncertainty, long hard work advancing HIV prevention is pushing frontiers all over the world from the lab to the clinic to the household medicine cabinet. Our latest issue of Px Wire looks ahead at a host of issues we are watching in 2017.

    January 19, 2017
    Antibody Related Research, HIV Vaccine, General, Hormonal Contraceptives and HIV, Microbicides, PrEP
  • Veteran science writer Mark Mascolini is a periodic contributor to P-Values. In this post, he brings clarity to the buzz about the latest broadly-neutralizing antibody to make headlines.

    January 17, 2017
    Antibody Related Research
    Mark Mascolini
  • AVAC is pleased to announce the fifth offering of its global Good Participatory Practice Online Training Course! Through interactive modules, online forums that allow for peer-to-peer interaction, webinars and practical assignments—all facilitated by experts in GPP—the course deepens participant capacity to effectively apply GPP in their own contexts.

    January 12, 2017
  • AVAC is happy to announce that another class has graduated from the GPP Online Training Course. GPP, or the Good Participatory Practice Guidelines, provide systematic guidance on effective engagement with stakeholders in the design and conduct of biomedical HIV prevention trials.

    December 22, 2016
  • 2016 is fast winding down and for many people the thought is: this year can’t be over quickly enough. It’s been a wild one. Human rights and health care seem more imperiled than ever as a result of political changes in many parts of the world, including here in the US where the core AVAC team is located.

    December 20, 2016
